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Everything posted by GramaxRefugee

  1. 0.51" today (still dzl) Peepers here too. Summer has struck.
  2. 0.80" for today Temp 52f most of the day. Crummy. Burned 1 batch of mostly oak with a little poplar. Scraping the bottom of the woodpile.
  3. April total rainfall 2.59" Lowest temp 33f, highest 89.
  4. Starting today with DP 56 -vs- 58 for yesterday, so hoping for slightly cooler, but probably about the same.
  5. Low might be 62f . DP was 58. Seems a little warm, but a generally pleasant morning.
  6. Low of 38 Only managed a high of 58 yesterday, despite the sunshine.
  7. Probably not a great picture, but I noticed the cherry reached blossom last year on April 6, (when I took the same photo), so blooms are running 1 week later this spring than 2023. It's been so windy the tree is hard to photograph.
  8. This morning; tide height on the South River is highest I've seen in a few years. (Wish I could give a more numerical description)
  9. Cherry trees just budding at my location. Walked the dog up the hill last night, and same buds have opened. A little sun and I could have some flowers by next week.
  10. I hope you showed her some of @Jebman 's posts.
  11. I would've gladly given up my spot on the podium for a HECS. But never mind that water over the dam. Congratulations to the @Kmlwx and thanks to @RodneyS and everyone for making a fun and interesting contest.
  12. Your study seems to give you the ability to predict March precipitation based on DJF snowfall. But... .... If you can find a way to make March (accurately) predict the following year DJF snowfall; well, that would certainly get attention.
  13. March total here 5.52" (including a Trace of snow) Highest temp 79f, lowest 24.
  14. 49f and heavy rain 7:45 T&L but limited to a few claps.
  15. Pretty significant thunder lightning just hitting here about 10:15
  16. True to us sensible scientists, but not to State of Maryland. The only thing that redevelopment buys you now is cutting inches of rainfall from 2.2 (roughly) down to 1 inch. If you put impervious on impervious, you still have to do quality control (ESD) as of c. 2015. (Was phased in 50%, 75%, now 100%) . And, in Prince George's, as of 2019, you have to do quantity control too, even though you are replacing roof with roof. Redskins stadium made some covered parking by making their carport roof out of PV panels. Clever. VA is more sensible than MD. But I've long told clients...never try to make sense out of environmental laws.
  17. About 8-10 years ago, MDE gave in to Big Solar and declared that PV panels are not really impervious, thus avoiding SWM for those thousands of acres of solar farms. I predict they do similar for new Key Bridge if it becomes a pet project of the State. Otherwise, you'd be right... no bridge for you.
  18. Low of 30 I was also expecting warmer today than yesterday, but it actually was a degree colder.
  19. Hit a low of 29f sometime after midnight, but was up to 33 at daybreak. Red oak in the stove.
  20. 1.90" storm total here. Winter air blowing back in now, DP down to 32
  21. low of 27 still no frost. (DP 20)
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