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Everything posted by GramaxRefugee

  1. Radar showed us getting clobbered, but only a few hundredths, random thunder, and some nice fresh breezes.
  2. 1.08 inch in rather ordinary t-storm here, about 6pm. Max temp 91. First over 90 this month.
  3. 4th straight day of significant rainfall here. Today's the lowest at 0.21 (so far). Plenty humid.
  4. Just getting a reasonably noisy T-storm in Mitchellville. Heavy rain, about 16:45L
  5. 1.30" for today, mostly ovrnt. 6pm storm mostly passed to my north.
  6. We've had more than normal snakes this year, and last week my wife called it the year of the snake. I reminded her that the last "year of the snake" led to the "winter of the snow shovel".(2009). Silly, unscientific, banter, but I just wanted it here in writing. Just in case.
  7. 47/45 And yes, I did see my breath out there.
  8. Dr. Davis claims we had a min dew point of 40 today. Insane for my neck of the woods.
  9. Breezy rain just getting started in Mitchellville, 3:15 L. Under fairly dark clouds.
  10. Just getting grazed by T-storm here now. Plenty of T/L, but sorta passing to our north.
  11. DT did, further back than that. (Sorry, no link but most of us can imagine it, in his entertaining style of writing. ) And that's the thing. These patterns just come along and always have. I'm old. I remember. (Except when I don't. Sorry, I'm old)
  12. Emptied 1.18 from the gauge. Evidence of wind, small green branches down.
  13. wife reports pellets hitting the skylight at my home station. now just heavy rain.
  14. Downpour finally hitting here in Mitchellville at 3:20. We were dry-slotting here for a while.
  15. Quite possible. Install 4 different units around your site and get 4 different readings. We have so much nice gadgetry these days that it's tempting to unpack the box and expect it to be right. But it's often not. I had a met friend in the old days who had , (at one time) 15 instrument shelters in his yard in Burtonsville. Learned a lot.
  16. Lunch break measure in Mitchellville = 2.5" total with sleet falling.
  17. SN+ in Mitchellville, PGCo (after a later start than most of ya'll. About 6:40 first flake.)
  18. 1.5 " here. Drove out about 7:15 all roads snowy. Return 9:00 and starting to get salt water slush in many places. One car slid off of Rte 424..
  19. DCA: 11/23 BWI: 10/30 IAD: 10/29 RIC: 11/10 Tiebreaker: 2.7" rain at IAD
  20. Well heck. Now that I look at that link, it would be 8 straight days if they lowered their standard to 0.15". I'd consider the 0.4 to be a substantial number. Perhaps the 0.15 just spreads out the various records too far, making "records" everywhere. This isn't a particular record I've looked closely at before. So, I'm sort of stumbling through the high weeds.
  21. I guess I should have just listed that AFD, so here it is (sorry) It has been an unusually wet pattern over the last week. For DCA (Reagan National), there has been at least 1/4" of rain each of the last 7 days. This is the longest streak on record. The previous longest was 5 days in 2011, 2009, 1975, 1950, 1942, and 1937. Precipitation records date back to 1871
  22. The AFD said 1/4", which I was skeptical of. So I immediately came here to check and Rodney lists 0.4", which I find more believable. The years listed did not include 1996, which I remembered as a summer of rain. But I didn't check the record.
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