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Everything posted by GramaxRefugee

  1. Heavy downpour when I left the house. Nothing but overcast by the time I got across the Patuxent; (about 6 miles). Tiny patch of blue sky here in Mitchellville. We'll see. Had .09" yesterday afternoon. Nothing in Bowie/Mitchellville.
  2. July monthly total 2.93" rain Max 95 on the 21st Min 61 on the 1st
  3. Didn't feel it, but hit 92f today. (Same as USNA so might be right) And we hooked up the hose and did a bit of watering, for the first time since ...I dunno....September 2017 maybe. Several plants looking quite droopy.
  4. Zoysia. We have established it on a sunny, south facing slope. Wish we had started it asap, before fooling with the usual fescues, etc. Nothing else thrives in that environment without irrigation of some sort. Problem is that it takes long to establish unless you pay an arm and a leg for sod. Most have success with plugs, which is what we did. Purchased from a local nursery. Once established, it is hard to kill, and pushes out most weeds. Less fertilizing, less mowing, less weedicide. My son is a home builder in central NC, and he installs many zoysia lawns. But, there are other hybrids that they can choose from down there. We are limited here, but if you have sunshine, I really recommend it. ETA: On the planting schedule you mentioned...I think you are supposed to plant it in the spring/summer, not fall. Opposite of cool season grasses like fescue. Zoysia is a warm season grass. Hence, it's not used much north of PA.
  5. Pretty quiet here. Got a quick 0.08 of rain before 2100. Managed a high of 93 this afternoon. 73/72 currently
  6. Got significant wind about 2030 after hours of dead humid calm, and that's all. I guess I'll record today's high as 95, but was very lame 94.5f. Mr. Davis barely made 94 all afternoon, then at 18:48 nicked 94.5. DP reached 82. Current 84/76
  7. 92/81, Which is also my high for the day as of 1600.
  8. 90/80 noon obs Topped out at 93 yesterday. But we had nothing but blue skies this morning.
  9. My greatest dislike of the reasonably priced wx stations. RH instead of DP. (outdoor) On my list, DP is a must-have.
  10. Had one that wouldn't stop chewing on the hummingbird feeder. Trapped it in a live trap and released it across the river. (And warned it about my 3 strike policy). That's all it took. We have many squirrels here, but only that one psycho case ever bothered the feeder. They're not all alike.
  11. Yesterday hi 94f, hottest of the summer here. Very gusty t-storm driving through Bowie about 17:45. Plenty of rolling thunder. Only 0.14 rainfall. 3 live branches down; more dead ones. Most active summer day here, I think.
  12. 75 at sunrise. Gonna be hot unless we get cloud cover. (Just MHO) Dp 73 and climbing
  13. Not bad. Please contact DCA and teach them proper instrument siting. I hit 90 here today for the 3rd time in July. Had 1 time in June. Been a slightly cool summer.
  14. This thread title is like clik bait for Mid Atlantic forum. (I knew I shouldn't have looked. )
  15. DP 63 at my house near the swamp this morning. Impressive for July.
  16. Raining like a hound dog in Mitchellville. T&L also.
  17. Been getting significant thunder to my noreast for hour or more, but still dry here. Temp fell to 81. Radar shows it, more or less. Been working on the truck out in the driveway, so rushing to button it up and pick up my tools.
  18. Somehow only made it up to 86f today. Possibly due to significant clouds at the warmest times. Also getting steady over-water breeze. Drove down to a dock bar in Deale for dinner and the water is piling up into the shore. Fairly cool too. But we still have our trademark humidity. Currently 80/78 Received 0.62 rain overnight but nothing since.
  19. Managed to get 0.66" overnight, (after midnight), but guess I slept right through it. Starting off with high lo (74) and plenty humid. Yesterday's hi was 88.
  20. Fairly gusty t-storm first hit about 8:10pm, but only about a tenth of rain. Still getting random rumbles and bits of rain. 90f for the hi today.
  21. My June totals 4.84 rain Hi temp 91 (the only day to hit 90) Lowest 47 A rather cool month.
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