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Everything posted by GramaxRefugee

  1. First flake about 6:40. By the time I reached Mitchellville, steady light snow. Temp around 21 Quite pretty.
  2. 12/-5 Bottom falling out of the DP Woodstove cranking oak
  3. Low of 19 this morning. At least it's a non- rainy Saturday. (Well, so far)
  4. Morning temp an unremarkable 12f , but the dp is -1. So I declare it to be "arctic". And the Davis is still talking about the Lunar Eclipse. Clear and windy.
  5. My low in AAco was 13 when I left. Might've clicked down to 12 since. BWI seems to have recorded a low of 21. A bit strange. They're usually colder than my warm location. Andrews reported 13. Even Pax River was 16 link: https://forecast.weather.gov/obslocal.php?warnzone=MDZ014&local_place=Millersville MD&zoneid=EST&offset=18000 ETA: Manassas 4 f. (!) IAD 10 f. another link: https://forecast.weather.gov/obslocal.php?warnzone=VAZ054&local_place=2 Miles SW Washington DC, Reagan National Airport VA&zoneid=EST&offset=18000 (apologize if this has already been covered somewhere)
  6. 1.5 " here. Drove out about 7:15 all roads snowy. Return 9:00 and starting to get salt water slush in many places. One car slid off of Rte 424..
  7. I sure didn't forget the windstorm; power out 5 days. And, it wins my vote because most of the intense rain/flooding stayed just out of my area. (I said intense; not annoying)
  8. Another 1.17 today. About 2.6 for the weekend.
  9. 1.21" at the 9pm dumpout here. (Makes 1.47 total event.) Moderate rain.
  10. Today is the first day since 12/4 that my station didn't get below freezing. 8 straight freezing mornings. Not bad considering my near tidewater location.
  11. 19.6f the morning low. We don't easily radiate to good lows at my location, so was impressed
  12. BWI: 29.5 DCA: 16.9 IAD: 32.0 RIC: 17.2 Tiebreaker: SBY: 15.2
  13. DCA: 11/23 BWI: 10/30 IAD: 10/29 RIC: 11/10 Tiebreaker: 2.7" rain at IAD
  14. Well heck. Now that I look at that link, it would be 8 straight days if they lowered their standard to 0.15". I'd consider the 0.4 to be a substantial number. Perhaps the 0.15 just spreads out the various records too far, making "records" everywhere. This isn't a particular record I've looked closely at before. So, I'm sort of stumbling through the high weeds.
  15. I guess I should have just listed that AFD, so here it is (sorry) It has been an unusually wet pattern over the last week. For DCA (Reagan National), there has been at least 1/4" of rain each of the last 7 days. This is the longest streak on record. The previous longest was 5 days in 2011, 2009, 1975, 1950, 1942, and 1937. Precipitation records date back to 1871
  16. The AFD said 1/4", which I was skeptical of. So I immediately came here to check and Rodney lists 0.4", which I find more believable. The years listed did not include 1996, which I remembered as a summer of rain. But I didn't check the record.
  17. I hope none of the old guys points out that when we were your age the whole summer...well never mind. (At least we could drink ice water though. With power out, you can't even do that.) Derecho was my first choice too
  18. So, a factor of 3 difference. Not far off the pace really.
  19. Do you have similar data for Baltimore? How about Richmond or Raleigh? My meaning....if it was meteor dust, as noted, it would not be confined to DC alone. Fascinating either way.
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