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Everything posted by GramaxRefugee

  1. Legit, strong, close CG hits. Still waiting for rain or wind
  2. Mega thunder here. No rain, no wind. Patch of blue sky to the SE.
  3. My August total 11.91" Rain on 19 days. (Blech) Max temp 91; lowest 62.
  4. Roughly an inch for the event so far. 18 rain days for August. (Around 11.6") Good thing I mowed the grass on the one dry day.
  5. 0.36" so far. LWX radar seems to have us in the yellow, but no rain currently. This makes my 17th day with rainfall this month.
  6. A few sprinkles. Classic dry slot over us, per radar. So far, at least.
  7. Max temp only 71 here today. It's halfway through August and we've only had 5 days without rain. Well over 10". Currently 68/68
  8. About 0.2" so far. T- storm was gusty at first. Otherwise the strongest just missed us. (They seem to be getting it strong to my north in Millersville area on radar.)
  9. I hope you're right. But after 5 straight days with rain...well y'know, trend is my friend, and all that.
  10. You inspired me to dump the gauge. 2.90" for last night. I wouldn't be surprised if you have a bit more. My electric gauge had 3.76, but in summer there's lots of tree interference on that Davis, and it can't be trusted.
  11. Steady rain, plus just starting to get some T&L. Makes 5 straight dayus of rain here. Eta: Turned into a legit T-storm. Over 1.6" and still raining hard.
  12. Plenty of T&L with rain here since 4:45. 0.20+ if gauge is working. Not much wind.
  13. 3.25" today Call it 3.66 for the TS event counting last evening.
  14. Dang, max temp today 75f July total 4.08", highest temp 93, lowest 65.
  15. Yeah, was a letdown when it passed over us, just west of Annapolis. Bit surprised.
  16. Storms passing nearby, only 0.02" However, it makes my 3rd straight day with measurable rain.
  17. 81/73 at 9:40am Chance of being a normal summer day.
  18. Lots of rolling thunder, some wind, sprinkle of rain, dark sky. Looks like it's all passing to my south, per radar. But maybe... Eta: today's max 93f Currently 84/75
  19. 86/76 at midday. Significant cloudiness compared to yesterday.
  20. If left in full sun, the temps will be way high. Such is its small rad shield. I'm lucky to have good siting for mine most of the year, but makes it kinda useless for wind speed. DP is good, and console is nice too. Have been using it since they were invented, maybe over 10 years? All that said, we really like it anyway. (Could say more but derailing the thread bad enough already) Sun is back out here and DP is 82 (way humid...my glasses fogged) Temp 82f.
  21. Looks like we got about 0.05". Still a few drips. Down to 80/76 here
  22. Light/mod rain here with one distant rumble of thunder. 87.6f...dew 78 I've probably hit my hi for today at 92f.
  23. Getting some close strikes now (18:20) but still only moderate rain at best . No wind.
  24. Lot o rolling thunder here but only a sprinkle of rain. Radar looks like its just west of us. Bowie maybe. Could blow itself out.
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