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Everything posted by GramaxRefugee

  1. New LWX radar page. Pathetic. If it aint broke; fix it until it is.
  2. Very light snow falling here. Surfaces just barely whitening so far. 30f, dp 28.
  3. Started as light snow West side of Annapolis about 11:25. Steady lt sn now.
  4. LWX shows Naval Academy reporting light rain on the hour, but I'm in west Annapolis and still have nothing but a grey day. As of 11:00am
  5. 27 at home. Driving to work observed several large patches of skim ice on the South River. (Tidal, and shallow) Seems slightly early in the season for river ice.
  6. November totals 5.47" lowest temp 26f; highest 76f
  7. Heavy downpour Annapolis. Couple claps of thunder.
  8. 30.5 at 9pm here. First freeze here by a lot.
  9. 4.95" total for October. Temps Max 77, min 38. Rather unremarkable.
  10. Ugh. Truth hurts. 41 for my min, with DP 41 we're not going anywhere. Shows the power of moisture.
  11. 2.05" for Thursday, Another .27 overnight . Just starting to see some blue in the sky now. Could be a nice improvement for the weekend.
  12. Very light rain, even though the moon is breaking through clouds. Caught me by surprise, but looking at radar, (if it's to be believed), there's more to our north. 53/53 currently.
  13. September total 5.14" rain. Max temp 85, lowest 42. Total rain since 1 Jan, 43.52"
  14. BWI: October 19 IAD: October 18 DCA: November 12 RIC November 9 TB: 78F
  15. Went for a damage patrol drive. Many pieces of tulip poplar on roads but only one or 2 of size. Md rte 450 flooding has neen moved further east. Passable. This white pine 0.7 miles from my house may have took lightning. Bark is peeled and the area smells like a Christmas tree lot. Doesn't seem like wind damage, we didn't get much. But maybe.
  16. Should've been very close to me , per Rhino's radar shot, but no evidence here. Except the longest, strongest T&L of the season. P.s. power back on for now
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