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Everything posted by GramaxRefugee

  1. August total 4.36" Highest max temp 92, lowest min 57 We are also in the Wall-to-Wall Green Summer club, with 20.02" for June-July-Aug. The Crepe Myrtles show it the most, flowering better than I ever remember. Generally a slightly cool, wet summer.
  2. 0.07" total here. Hi temp of 91 makes this my hottest since Aug 9.
  3. I like the boldness. A large blob of gusty heavy rain will form in the GoM and someone will name it. Then they'll declare it a Cat-1 based on recon. Highest actually measured gust will be 50 mph, and it will be called "the most devastating hurricane to make landfall this year". (sort of true) And there your prediction is ruined by one storm. (Sorry my post doesn't add much to the discussion, but it's just so slow now.)
  4. This is a pretty good description of the many oaks we've lost over the past 20 years. I've noticed that, upon cutting and splitting them, they're all infested with borer beetles. Don't know if this is cause or effect, but someone suggested protecting the trunk with permethrin in the Spring/early Summer, so we've tried that for the past 4 or 5 years, and so far have had less oak death. But, I just don't know if it really helps or just a coincidence. They don't look a heck of a lot better. Also, permethrin is not cheap. Also, it seems to attack the red oaks much worse than the white. Hope that helps someone. Guess this belongs in the garden thread.
  5. The frustration of long range forecasting summed up in one brief thought. (OTOH, that's part of the fun.)
  6. Hvy rain t- storm here. Bit of hail. Tiniest hail I've ever seen. Call it about 1/4 pea size. 0.75" very quick. Lighter now but still raining.
  7. 0.15 overnight. Misty morning, now just plain overcast.
  8. 1.15" so far and still raining. Approaching 3" since 8/1
  9. Fairly intense here in Annapolis for about 15 minutes at the heart of it. Gusting and heavy rain with low visibility. Not much thunder though. Will be interesting to get a look at the gauge later. Starting to clear now.
  10. For some reason I expected to see John, Paul, George, and Ringo in that picture. (Kind of a stretch, I guess). Bit of rain now falling in Annapolis at 2:30. ETA: With thunder . But the whole storm is quite small.
  11. 1.06" for last night/yesterday afternoon, on a series of storms.
  12. ...plus a fair amount of extreme cold.
  13. July total rainfall 11.90" Second wettest July at our station Monthly highest temp 92. Lowest 60.
  14. 0.30" from light rain so far. Bringing my ridiculous July total to 11.89 (plus anything that sneaks in before midnight).
  15. Getting the rain, but no thunder heard. Edit...humpf. we got 0.20".
  16. Prices vary a lot. This place has them now for $284. Scientific Sales Vantage Vue
  17. 90/78 currently; looks like my max, or close to it. KNAK seems to be stuck at 89, but their DP is 77. Maybe they squeaked out a 90 somewhere in there.
  18. Same thought here. Climbing from 68f here I'll predict a high of 92f. Downright overcast at the moment. DP was 67.
  19. Received 0.14" for yesterday in a small storm at about 17:30. Was thinking that I could go more than 2 rainless days in a row for the first time this month, but no.
  20. Annapolis has become quite cloudy. Ceiling high, but close to overcast. Breeze too.
  21. Interesting; PAX River and Naval Academy both seem to have topped out at 91f then fallen back into the 80s with a slight wind shift to the SE past 2 hours (Might be another reason, but seems likely)
  22. 0.08" Missing us to the north this time. About 10.7 for the month. Checking my record, wettest July was 2018 with 13.43. That month was dry until the 17th. Pretty tired of rain here. (Sorry drought stricken ones)
  23. Storms on and off from about 4pm to 8pm. 4.31" rain. Drove through very heavy rain this evening. Rutland road very flooded. Was in a line of cars creeping along. Road was repaved this month but not yet marked. Made it worse.
  24. 4.31" most intense was late afternoon, then another hard hit about 1900L. Steady rain in between. Plenty of road flooding. Up to 10.6" for July
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