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Everything posted by GramaxRefugee

  1. Total for January 6.65" (8.5" snow) Highest temp 75f , lowest 10f.
  2. 40f and light rain. Crap weather.
  3. Drove on the Riva Rd bridge over the South River about 40 min ago, and the bridge surface had a slight coating as if a snow squall had been through. (sorry no pictures) Low of 27f at home.
  4. By my memory, the 1979 Washington Birthday storm was on the 19th, breaking a decade long HECS shortage for us. It was, however, a very cold Feb.
  5. True. Very true. But I was shocked at those 2 holding calls at the end of half 1. Was thinking maybe the game's not as rigged as we think.
  6. Looks like Charlottesville had 81f on that 1932 date. Other than that, Martinsburg would be the king of warmth; (from what I've seen so far)
  7. Looks like it was 18f on 4 days, but separated by 2 other days.:
  8. Feb 2015 , -28 departure on 20th. 4 days of -24/-25. BWI edit: Sorry; I see you mentioned that; (well, sorta)
  9. Had reported storm total last night as 4.3" but a predawn snow upped it to 4.4 I guess. Melted the gauge for .34" liquid
  10. Got another 0.1" snowfall overnight. Low 14f Beautiful sunshine
  11. at 8:00 measured 3.0" with 30f light snow. Snow depth 5.5" add'l: drove to medical appt in Annapolis, SHA plowing/salting. Road conditions improving, but some areas quite skittery.
  12. Reported as 4.1" here in AACo. Some sleet must have mixed overnight. Frz rn (very light) and 29 now
  13. Can't seem to advance beyond moderate flurries here in Davidsonville, so far.
  14. 0.64" for the event, midnight hi of 53f. Down to 47 , breezy, bits of sun
  15. I used to have one of these: 12v bilge pump until we moved to a house without a basement. But I don't really recommend it. You have to be there during the flood, and if so, you could just use a portable generator to plug in the usual pump. (Which I didn't have at the time) My next door neighbor installed a 12v pump, but just like an antique car that sits in the garage, maintaining the battery was a pain. They moved before needing it, and our neighborhood stopped losing power so often after a BGE rework of the area. Last I looked, it was shown on the Home Depot site. I have other stories too, but the bottom line for me was that I felt much better being able to pump out with power from my car, or from a genset, or whatever. Otherwise you just stand there watching it happen, and that is rather demoralizing.
  16. WSSC is still stuck on NGVD29. Which ripples through the survey world in MD.
  17. Thanks to a few cheap midnight low temps, my station has been below freezing every day this month except the 1st. Same for IAD. 30f predawn/midnight today. 38 for the drive in to work
  18. What a rough forecast ...either extreme cold, or above normal.
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