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Everything posted by KrummWx

  1. Theres still snow there's still snow it's not all over yet
  2. Wake Forest Rd, St Albans, Six Forks all around midtown are just fine. 440 and 40 are clear, Davis Drive and NC54 are a but slushy but getting attention
  3. I think there's a lot of rounding up around here haha
  4. All the radar snow holes i screenshotted today seem to have been legit, as I'm reading posts about 3" to my immediate north, south, east and west. No matter where I go in my neighborhood I can't measure more than ~2.2" at best. But it's cool, it covered my yard and car and everything else and it crunches under my feet and I am satisfied lol
  5. I can't believe you have a whole extra inch just a mile away. This cutoff is wild.
  6. And honestly, the Triangle is a much more scientific driven metropolitan area than is Charlotte. While life sciences and computer sciences don't translate directly to meteorology, there's more of a connection there than the finance/banking/insurance of Charlotte. And many scientifically driven people will be interested in more fields than just the one they graduated in/work in. I work in biotech but me and tons of my coworkers have a ball model watching and putting out predictions. Same at my last gig. It's not a bad thing, it just is what it is- metros have different industries. The Triad just has some of the best NC metro winter odds so it makes sense that they would have a large representation vs a metro on the South Carolina border.
  7. What a difference a mile makes...I'm 1 mile east of NH (near Wegmans) and have barely 2.0" wherever I measure! Max may be 2.0". Bout to take a walk to NH lol
  8. About 1.75" in midtown Raleigh, still going!
  9. I almost wish I mowed the grass yesterday so my yard didn't have any grass poking through....haha
  10. Gzus and now it's all snow again and these flakes really are dumdum thicc
  11. Spoke too soon, there it is alright
  12. I hear some sleet i think, but it's mostly snow falling. Probably like 90% snow 10% IP if that. As of 1510
  13. I'd say roughly a half inch in midtown Raleigh, maybe a tad more maybe a tad less. Steady light snow, small flakes still but lots of em. Wind is going too. I love a good daytime snow but I wish it was a weekend daytime snow, I'm ready to tap into this bourbon and stop answering teams messages
  14. Yeah my neighborhood roads still just wet, but cars/roofs/grass/concrete tables etc getting covered nicely. Can't wait for some of the heavier rates, turn them roads white.
  15. Tiny flakes here too, but a lot of em. My SO in Mebane just sent a video of some fat fatties
  16. Moderate snow in midtown Raleigh. Fat flakes and lots of them. Cars and rooftops, officially white. Grass turning white. And it's only 1140! I wasnt even expecting the first flakes til ~12
  17. I'm in North Hills and seeing the same
  18. Sleet and flurries in midtown Raleigh
  19. I just calls em like I sees em my guy and 0 of my posts are trolling. Maybe post less like a weenie so I can stop giving you weenie reacts??
  20. I do find it interesting that The Weather Chanel app has 5-8" for Raleigh on the 19th day, and 1-3 on the 19th night. Thays only 3 days away. Are they slow to update or sniffing something out?
  21. Finally the flizzard has reached midtown Raleigh. Cars with a thin layer, gravel driveways starting to layer as well. Meanwhile it's coming down in PC FL
  22. This is my mother's house in Panama City, Florida
  23. Finally started flurring after 3.5 hours of radar virga, i can sorta stop b******g now!
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