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Everything posted by cleetussnow

  1. This is an active pattern with a lot of players to watch. every 3 days there is a wave to monitor since it's so supportive of storms. Don't turn your back on any one of them off of 1 model run!
  2. I like the 9th and the 14th. VD is an auspicious date for storms.
  3. NWS has WWA up here. I don't think we've had a snowday yet, so I doubt schools would be hesitant at all to pull the trigger given the timings.
  4. This. This part of Japan has some of the best cold source and moisture combos in the world, save for the high peaks. We're talking Sea of Japan and Siberian cold.
  5. Wait til Thursday is my vote
  6. We need to ban 384 hour snow maps.
  7. Storm is 9 days out. Meh.
  8. Salmon river inlet is said river. My bro and I were anxious to ride early that season. Tug Hill got several feet so went up to see how my sled rebuild worked. Thats right. Rebuild. First bad thing after unload was my bro’s sled throttle was stuck wide open so as soon as that sled turned over surprise he launched 50 feet down the road and almost hit a brand new truck like by millimeters. Never seen a wider set of eyeballs. Very alarmed. Shoulda went home right there. I unloaded and we gassed em up and set out for the trailhead. This particular trailhead is wooded, and adjacent to the river, and you pass through some trees that the river (turns out) winds through. The snow had been heavy and wet, and kind of floated on the open water - making it look not like water at all. Looked remarkably like a trail. I thought it was terra firma so full send into 5 feet of water. I aimed for a bank but no go. Kill switch and trudged/ swam to the edge. Sled was basically gone but you could see the wake in the surface ice where it went. All i needed. my bro was able to snorkle his sled out behind me. He scooped me up and went back to the truck - which was 200 feet away , the distance I ever rode that sled - and scrounged up a bunch of tie downs from other sledders to make a length to yank the sled out. I took my cloths off and swam out and tied straps to the bumper and we pulled it out with his truck. About 20 people were watching. Just as we got to shore, a front end loader showed up to help. Which was a good thing because another dude who was not tracking events did the same full send right in front of us making remarkable progress until he too was turned purple with rage. He musta been french by the way he cursed. We decided we had had enough fun, so we load up and drove the 3 hrs home. I was never so cold. Funny thing is, that sled ran when we got home. Started right up. I hit the kill switch in time. The rebuild was good. But we promptly sold it, the buyer noting how hard the seat was - since it was a block of ice. We were glad to be rid of it. the following winter a neighbor wanted to show us his new to him sled. It was one in the same. I don’t think we ever told him we knew why the seat smelled like a swamp. It snowed a lot that winter. A real lot.
  9. Nah. Chuck it in a river.. worked for me back in ‘94. And yes that did happen…
  10. The earliest chance of siggy snow is LR per usual.
  11. Its never ever happened before?
  12. strat warming = snow = voodoo. Anytime strat warming enters the picture as the Winter's savior, it harkens the unwelcome entrance of Winter's Angel of Death instead. Sorry but I don't care about strat warming.
  13. Waaa. January 96 isn’t walking thru that door. Waaaa
  14. Listened the atc… jet checks in and asks to land Helo checks in a couple mins later with atc And the helo was given a traffic advisory on the jet and about 20 seconds before impact, helo was asked if they had viz on the jet and instructed the helo to come in behind the jet No response on the atc freq that I could hear, but the helo could have been on a different freq. then it happened it appears for some reason the helo didn’t comply with atc. everyone will be asking why helos cross the final approach at reagan but thats normal i guess. Maybe not anymore.
  15. ATC effed up? Who was controlling the helo? It should not be anywhere near final approach. Sick to my stomach over this.
  16. Came for the weather….stayed for the meltdown
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