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Everything posted by cleetussnow

  1. I split the goal posts and barely got anything. The road under the tree isn’t even wet. Damn. Sprinkler going on shortly.
  2. I got a little rain from that near HPN - for 10 mins and some rumbles.
  3. I got a flight to Houston landing Tuesday night. Appears to be a non starter. Thinking of switching to Austin - which may be west enough to be less impacted by the storm. Otherwise Dallas may be the best bet. Ultimate destination is college station. I absolutely need to be in college station on Wednesday.
  4. I was just saying that to my buddy in college station. I said get ready but it may trend east.
  5. Of course I have to fly to texas next week. Tuesday, land at IAH in the evening. Lookout Texas. Damn.
  6. Yeah no wind here like nada. Sheeting rain though.
  7. Rain drops now and thunder to my west of HPN. Darkening sky…just got a SWS for this so…
  8. I wouldn’t mind some more action later. Whiffed on the last round.
  9. Hrrr earlier kinda made it look like I was gonna miss out here at HPN - and so far that is more or less panning out. Best echos are to the north and south but rain is pedestrian here so far. Light boomers. We are in a warning tho. Meh.
  10. Hrrr kinda misses me in HPN, but the line out west doesn’t look like it will do that. I could use the rain and wouldn't mind some boomers. Still a couple hrs out.
  11. Yes - I came into the city on Metro North this morning and trains were backed up because of trees and branches down all over. In fact, a train was stopped just outside of my station with a large limb under the front axles and a bunch of limbs and leaves all over the front of the first car. Obviously it hit a downed tree and they stopped to clear everything. This was like at 8 am so the tree must have just fallen since that was not the first train on the route this morning.
  12. NJ Transit trains suspended due to power outages related to the heat. I'm not sure I heard of that before.
  13. Bet we got 2 inches here min mid westchester
  14. Agree somewhat on this. They don't seem too efficient when it's below 32 outside and they will kick on and off in search of heat. Cooling seems to work well up into the 90s and the dehumidify capability is out of this world which was a big plus.
  15. Try home depot. I got a 36K BTU total unit (carrier) with 2 heads installed for $10K, and it does the whole 2K square feet of my house, heat and cooling. HD had the best warranty. The independent contractor I spoke to quoted $19K which was a BS quote soon as he opened his mouth. Also that quote was for 3 heads, which I knew I did not need.
  16. Just hit us here HPN. Quick heavy burst and mellowed out a little. Got some lightening and thunder. Decent show.
  17. you won't regret it! What sold me was that I saw them all over China and other hot AF places in Asia. It was a billion degrees kelvin and super humidity everywhere, and those units were relied on ubiquitously. Figured they must know something.
  18. I don't hear mine at all. Only if the fan is on BOOST, and it's just the whoosh of air. We still have a window unit in a far-flung room of the upstairs, and when that compressor kicks on, you can feel the vibration propagate through the walls. It's got a resonance. Stick frame house, but any material can do that. Tell you another thing - our wall mounted units (same as window ones basically) also had mold growth we didn't notice until removal. Can't be good. I don't think I paid much mind to the heating aspect when I bought it. But boy that was a pleasant surprise. It's not going to be too efficient below 25 degrees or so, but for quickly heating up a house or shoulder seasons, it's perfect. I heat mostly with pellets when cold, but between those 2 things, I used less than 1/4 tank of oil all year. It wasn't cold, but that is same ratio as other winters.
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