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Everything posted by cleetussnow

  1. Hahaha. We both read Cormac McCarthy I guess. I skip the big words tho.
  2. Boy I have seen this happen numerous times on seasonal roads turned sled trails. Always amusing - usually a hefty groomer had to go in there and make the recovery. I always laughed at these dumbass rookies everytime…. …until it was me. Tug Hill - all backroads are snow covered all the time in good winters so hard to discern in many cases whats a seasonal road turned trail and whats plowed - you have to just know. I had me and my kid and a buddy along on the trip, one sled on a single place trailer. The truck was a 2000s vintage explorer. We were on our way to a remote bar/motel/sled rental to grab a rental sled. Made a left turn according to GPS and shit here we go! Instantly knew I had just made a galacticly stupid mistake apparently sitting on my brain at the time. I just kept my foot in it and squirreled around the trail in 4x4 and jesus h christ we made it the 1/2 mile to the bar to this day I have no idea how. Moderate ruts on the trail. Sleds saw us on the trail just shaking heads but no one saw us pull in to the parking lot (easily accessible from another direction). We sheepishly and quickly unloaded, grabbed the rental and split on the sleds, abandoning the truck. We were staying at another hotel about 50 miles away which I was glad for. Came back to the truck a few days later and hightailed it outa there feeling dumb as shit - more than normal anyway. Red face went away a week or so later. sidebar - in the middle of nowhere sometime later, my buddy lost the key to his rental sled. We were properly fucked. I lost it. Exploded to 11 blind with rage. Melted right down. Then I opened the cowl, looked at the ignition, unplugged the key connection (like a 5 prong plug), rotated it 180 degrees leaving one prong outside of the ignition plug, prayed, then it started right up. Jubilation. Polaris 600 from the 2000s. Key was useless, and thank the almighty for his interventions looking over our dumb asses that day. No other explanation.
  3. For people knowledgeable about air traffic delays etc. for tomorrow due to winds - I got a kid flying in tomorrow at ~7 PM to LGA. Winds aloft (850) look stiff, around 40kts at that time, but 10M winds are down to around 10ish - seemingly a lull between overnight/morning winds, and the wind again picking up Saturday. Any threat in terms of delays with these conditions? Winds are out of the west n. west. it appears. Appreciate any thoughts...
  4. No models show anything, so thats a good sign.
  5. At least the wind chimes will offer some useful information
  6. GFS is a dartboard past day 5. I think it led on one single (minor) event this season.
  7. and…that’s all folks for this forum for the winter season. See ya’ll in the Fall
  8. Look at that screw zone Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin. Damn. Winters of yore in these parts though.
  9. Yeah well the south got revenge on us this year.
  10. This is 7 /8 days out. Not a surprise the models are different. Even if they are the same, means little in terms of actual outcomes. Unless its a cutter.
  11. One of the NE forum mets had a tally for up closer to 19
  12. I don’t think thats right.
  13. A lot of people like those revs. That was the first modern style sled no? I want to say my 800 triple was my favorite sled…if the trails were smooth. I rode in upstate NY so not a thing.
  14. Even though it’s not a triple phaser?
  15. Pretty much the same trajectory as me. Not including my 70’s sleds as a poor teenager, I had a 98 Skidoo GT triple - smoothest best engine ever. Then I got a 2007 GTX 600 which was really nice and great with a kid. Then got a ‘ 11 1200 gade which I promptly put a set of walker evans and Fox clickers and that was my last ride. I sold all sleds when my son left for college 2 yrs back but I might get suckered into grabbing a 1200 enduro used if I get a low miles one. I know exactly how I want it set up
  16. Theres been way worse model busts than that one I can tell you but yeah. Every model last Friday had a coastal on the bullseye or close. Disheartening. You can’t write off the next one because the last one failed. Recency bias.
  17. Dammit knock it off whoever is drawing these 360 maps. I want out.
  18. I’s say 12z today was clear. Not one model had it for 24 hrs, many had lost it sooner.
  19. Gfs has been rock steady since 12z the 13th. Today is the 16th and this is a lot of tracking for a non threat, though most have gone home obviously including some die hards. Morch thread soon?
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