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About monadnocks

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  1. Almost two years ago, we had epic amounts of snow. This is our driveway after having been plowed several times. He just gave up and brought in the front loader.
  2. That 35 in the Monadnock area is close to what got. It pretty amazing. Our plow person gave up with the truck and just went with the front loader. Power was out for a couple days. When the schools could open, buses largely picked up in the center of town because they couldn’t get down the smaller roads.
  3. So, ignoring the recent no snow situation and looking at it from a 30+ year period of living in the Monadnock region (so my experience), I'd revise that to 4-8" ordinary 6-12" also ordinary but a pleasant bonus 12-18" impactful but other than school closing, not much else unless the power goes out 18-24" impactful, power will probably go out for some reason 24" - major
  4. If you get snow, chances are I get snow!
  5. If southern NH is going to have a blizzard in January, it'll be on the 4th. It's a tightly scheduled day, just perfect for a storm.
  6. Fat, fluffy flakes here now. Driving back from Amherst, NH earlier this late afternoon, it was kind of a mess. Just over an inch now.
  7. I'm currently re-reading Chris Van Tulleken's Ultra Processed People. It's fascinating. Definitely recommend. 36 degrees
  8. Hey no apologies for that! While frequently dysfunctional, this is a community and you're very much part of it. I'm glad you feel comfortable enough to share your story. We're all humans, not just crazy AIs arguing about the weather. High thin clouds over part of the sky. Honestly, a beautiful night.
  9. Water table issues are on my mind: stream and lake habitats, amount of water in wells, etc.
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