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Lava Rock

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Everything posted by Lava Rock

  1. My parents were music teachers. I learned accordion from Dad and he taught me how to remember the EGBDF notes
  2. either way, we'll get that much needed moisture into the pack
  3. heading back to square one. miserable.
  4. close the shades on the rest of the month.
  5. probably won't be the last time this winter either. I knew we had to get a soaker sometime this month. Wouldn't be Jan without one.
  6. Nice cold rn with some mix here. Wtf
  7. I know this is OT, but I think my cholesterol (LDL) has shot up over the last 1.5yrs due to IPA and the corn syrup in some of them. I've kept track of my chol every year for last 15yrs and it's been pretty stable, although a couple bumps here and there, but this past Oct my LDL went way up. Diet hasn't changed a whole lot, but I have been drinking more craft beers. But, I don't drink them every night of course, usually weekends here and there and at parties. I can put down 5-6 usually. That's a lot of carbs and sugar. Anyways, just curious. Back to the weather.....
  8. Doesn't seem like we've had much snow this season yet PWM (by 14") and CAR are above avg. BGR running avg.
  9. That's some fine looking visibility there
  10. Wippie! We had barely had one week of cold and we're already warming up. This Jan can't deliver
  11. Just got home. Looks like nws went for wsw
  12. Those maps look just like the Thurs event where they had the mtns getting more and it ended up being reversed
  13. perfect for me. Sledding tomorrow, be back before it starts. Riding local sunday. Sunny skies after another 6-8".Perfect
  14. I've been relatively good this season, although patience was starting to wear thin last week
  15. Nice over performer and was quite fluffy actually. Not bad to snowblow at all
  16. Eyeballing at least 6" on the home cam
  17. I gotta add Caribou Motor Inn to the list. Decent facility and the food (brewery) across the street is very good. Ride right from the door.
  18. ripping pretty good. radar looks decent with some heavier echos off to the west
  19. Going to be a bit difficult ton snowblow this stuff tonight
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