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Lava Rock

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Everything posted by Lava Rock

  1. These reports have been circulating on reddit and discussed previously here. 37 is way too small to make general conclusions about the population at large, but it's certainly interesting and deserves more investigation.
  2. Apparently 7" not long ago wasn't enough for the lawn. Still looks terrible. Got a mold that wiped out another section
  3. Looks like a whole lotta nothing burger here. Nary a drop today
  4. So with all the dry weather in June then bunch of rain caused a mold issue on part of our lawn, which killed it. I remember a few weeks ago noticing the blades of grass were black. Didn't think much of it as it rubbed off pretty easily. On the news this morning they had a report about lots of lawns experiencing this problem. Good to know it's not just our lawn but it's one more death blow to the yard https://www.newscentermaine.com/article/news/local/lawn-fungus-threatens-yards-across-new-england/97-693efae3-94c0-4c31-a480-06058e3356a3
  5. Please tell me they don't start as lawn eating grubd
  6. Not hitting 90F today. 88.5f max. Temp/dews dropping now.
  7. Holy shit. Hiked passed it yesterday, thinking how dumb it would be if someone went under it. It was quite impressive and larger than my pic made it seem
  8. Was pretty sure one of our cats was a goner. Was taking a nap and heard a noise outside window. Sounded almost like a dove bird but louder and with a growl. Looked outside the window and there was a fox rolling in the grass. I had let all three cats out earlier, but brought them all in except one. Was certain the fox was eating the cat. I scared it off and went out to call the cat in. She sauntered around the corner like she wasn't scared, but she was less then 20' away from where the fox was. Almost seems like the fox was playing,.knowing cat was there. Oh well, got cat back inside. We've seen this fox on occasion, but this is the closest to the house we've seen it. Wife not impressed
  9. 60f at Pinkham but got a little toasty up tuckermans trail. About 52f at top. By the time I got back down, 82f
  10. Good hike up to Washington this morning. What a mob scene when I got down. Never seen so many cars at Pinkham.
  11. cool story. we snowmobile in that area. Never knew a ski area existed.
  12. We going back to hot and dry soon?
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