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Lava Rock

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Everything posted by Lava Rock

  1. Power and internet went out around midnight. Just got the genney going. Best wind storm since we've lived here.
  2. Max. of 35mph, but might be low based on where anemometer is. 1.38". Couple house rattlers. Big windows face south and take a beating with these storms
  3. Mine is portable too, but what's all this stuff I'm reading about electrocution and such if run in the rain or snow?
  4. I didn't plan ahead. If we lose power, can't use new genny since I don't have an enclosure for it to keep out of the rain. Might try building a small lean to off of garage
  5. but wasn't it supposed to be free everywhere?
  6. exactly. It dis-incentivizes people to want to get tested. They'll just say f-it.
  7. I wish my wife wasn't flying right now. She's heading back to logan tomorrow for her next 2 day trip. Sometimes she's only home a few days before she has to leave again. I feel like it's inevitable she's going to get it.
  8. That may make sense when you know for certain you've been near/exposed to someone who is positive. But what about instances like airport terminals where you'll never know if you've been exposed, but you get a test anyways and are neg and then go about your life. What I am questioning is in those instances where you test neg, despite being potentially exposed, are you supposed to shack up for 2 weeks? A lot of people were flooding to test centers early last week prior to traveling, presumably doing the right thing by making sure they were neg before going to grammy's house, realizing one can never be 100% certain of the test result. Now the media will chastise all of those travelers for doing what they thought was the right thing when/if cases spike. It's a no win situation
  9. So now if kids or teachers test cov neg, they still have to quarantine for two weeks. Wth! That's not saying.much about the test accuracy. Why does it seem we're moving backwards with some of these policies? All weekend all I heard when the tv was on was msm bitching about the spike increase bound to happen since all "those" people who showed up at the airport are going to make this way worse. More talk about how you have to perfectly time a cov test to make sure you're truly neg, otherwise you better stay in your basement. Damned if you try to do the right thing and damned if you don't.
  10. A bit chilly for shorts, but good weather for a hike
  11. Good thing we're using up all this precip without any cold in place. looking forward to high and dry after this week.
  12. ...and then it'll be the 3rd week, then Xmas.....
  13. They're getting punished for someone screwing up the full dose half dose regimen?
  14. Ha, Kelly just made a screwdriver. I told her it was too early
  15. Wow that blows. I get annoyed if I have to reboot tivo once a month
  16. I doubt we'll ever get fiber here. After three price hikes in less than 2yrs, I'm pretty tired of Spectrum. I'd try starlink.
  17. 27.1F. coating of sn on ground. Stove going. Wine in hand. Cozy
  18. Just bought some tsla stock couple days ago. Wished I had gotten in earlier this year. it's bound to crash, but some think it'll hit $1000 per by eoy.
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