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Everything posted by BristowWx

  1. Seems pretty simple to figure out. If the NS is weaker it lets the SS slide east. Stronger and it yanks the SS closer to the coast. Too much either way for the NS and it has negative impacts. So we need the Goldilocks NS solution. Just right
  2. BTW you are a handsome fella..good on you for keeping it together and looking half your age. Must be the booze and rib-eyes!
  3. I think I am ok with it. Anything above a foot is like who gives a shit anymore.
  4. Damn cancel culture. Fine but I am issuing one at my house. That translates to beer and salty snacks
  5. Blizzard watch. Now that would be epic. Mass panic. Dogs and cats living together.
  6. And it’s cold. We can’t forget that. No white rain. I’m not sure we could ask for anything more 4 days out
  7. How often does the entire state of VA get snow. Even VA beach. The whole state would be under a watch based on that.
  8. Putting aside I am a dancing weenie, I’d extrapolate to a beat down on that. 1053 high pressing return GOA moisture low off the maritimes …I’d say all systems go.
  9. when Dr. Venkman shows up to give his take..I'll know we are in historic territory
  10. That’s a Kocin book entry. The 2025 Megaopolis Crippler.
  11. Too late. I wake up and think how can I fail today. I go to bed rewinding how I failed.
  12. at least there is still some indication still on 6z GFS of a snow event next week. certainly looks cold enough.
  13. I’m not sure I have ever seen that kind of statement …suggesting? The words Closed may be gone from OPM lexicon
  14. Roger that sir. See you Thursday.
  15. Me too. But less guilt if I punt tomorrow if they close. We are easier to cut than govies.
  16. “Still no sign…NO sign of our first inch of snow” oh how he mocked us. But look at us now…we showed him
  17. Never did win the golden snow shovel. Oh I tried.
  18. RIP oh highway to hell…we hardly knew ye
  19. Concur. Closer to 3 now. Not too shabby 31
  20. Where you getting that at? Everytime I go to the exchange it’s sold out.
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