I often wondered how I would explain shitting on my blinds...like if someone walked in....not something you see every day..."honey the GFS sucks moose balls yet again so I am going to shit spray our window decor...BTW whats for dinner?"
probably isn't that much better way north either. I looked at Hunter mountain up in NY...45 rain...spring conditions...waiting for cold the report said..no snowmaking. 16 inch wet granular base...thats rough for sure if you planned your week to ski
I actually miss the hand wringing of watching the rain/snow line dance nearby. we are not even close to that right now. but we arent the only ones so misery is loving the company. I do think we will get a period of winter but I am betting it will take a lot longer than people want it to. Just to scour out the warm to our north..start laying down snowcover...arrange the players on the field...get a shortwave to come up and actually be in the right spot with a cold high to the north..a 50/50 in place...cold throught the column....jesus that could take couple to three weeks. The easy pickings days of just "lucking" into a snow event seem impossible now...nearly all has to be right for us to even be in the game outside the mountains.
I would think you would do ok on the 3rd if that setup as shown on the 12z is close to true. it does suck to chase coatings repeatedly. but its not like anyone else is killing it either. the grass is still green at my moms house in Rochester, MI
a lot of you have said it but if we cannot snow with that setup in January then I went too high on my snow fall contest prediction. being inside the 540 used to be good.
I can’t believe that 192 panel on GFS is showing rain with those rates inside the 534 line. That should show us getting clocked even though it’s fantasy range.