Ji said that years ago. Along with "always go with least snowy model" "rainstorms always over perform" "winter is over (In December)" and "we suck"...that last one is my favorite. Actually over the years they prove correct..wise man he is
Yes. Agree. I guess a lot of the fate of this rests on what happens with the storm before it on Saturday. The one that gives my mom/dad 24 solid inches up in Rochester, MI.
I guess but it really only has that south track going for it....as depicted...the 50/50 was mentioned. also no CAD. it's just a progressive wave that comes in on the heels of an arctic blast before it. maybe it will improve. not on the CMC op of course. Thats also a terd wagon. 8 days out.
yep lotta green around the neighborhood with dog turds that seem to be in a perfect vegative state...they don't quite freeze and but don't dry out in the sun. on the plus side I have been coasting with not much heat being used but not having to turn AC
My son went snowboarding in WV Canaan yesterday…asked me why we live here…said it was no elevation and stupid…I just said I don’t know son…I don’t know
Ralph…you seem wise…what are we tracking in the LR? I saw red tagger said GFS made good changes. It was the op run. I see 3 cutters and a dry cold after.