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Everything posted by BristowWx

  1. We need Ji in here to spread some warm positive thoughts and holiday cheer
  2. Still 10 days out. Like you might, say click back 10 days and look at the result. You never know what can happen. We could get that never happening storm on 22nd to happen..back door cold front...season of miracles.
  3. No we can go lower...below sea level...Marianas trench...who knows maybe it is the bottom. I’m tired of worrying about it. Just make it below 60 on Xmas.
  4. We are all hoping you bust badly. But you never seem to fail. Is it that much to ask for you to fail just occasionally?
  5. Wow. 140 years and only once . From the late 1800s. That does put a lot in perspective.
  6. Agree. My shut the blinds idea is to just work a lot during the holiday and save the vacation days for winter events. I’m a bear anyway when it’s warm on the holidays so it’s a gift to my family as well.
  7. There are degrees of warm of course. This run happened to be uglier than the previous 2. Seasonal is fine 60s suck a$$..so whatever happens with the storm impacts Xmas as well.
  8. Like Bob told us before the idea of too much blocking doesn’t come up that much as something to worry about..or words to that effect..I am sure we are not finished with multiple solutions being presented.
  9. I clicked back all the way to ec 9th 18z which was the first op run on GFS to see some type of storm at that time and it really hasn’t wavered. I find that remarkable.
  10. CMC seems to want no part of this. Euro will be telling.
  11. Right now LWX is not very bullish at least in my zone. Makes sense but no mention of frozen at the moment.
  12. Wildly different. But similar to some of the earlier solutions at least the high
  13. Back to 1040+ high in better location. Interesting development
  14. Perhaps a few more ticks in the cards. I think my area needs 3
  15. I might be hallucinating but it looks like at hour 240 on the Euro a tropical storm is forming off the EC of FL on Xmas Eve.
  16. I’d like to live at 850 just so I wouldn’t have to worry about 850 temps.
  17. You are a weather smart, informed weenie also. I know enough to impress non-weenies who ask why it’s not snowing in December because its supposed to snow in December based on Hallmark movies. But being here is humbling to anyone who thinks they know weather. You should have at least a pro forecaster tag.
  18. Good to know. I guess weenies never grow up. I still stand outside in the cold waiting for first flakes looking up at the porch light like a mental case. Most don’t understand this level of weenie...except here
  19. Yeah the cube where you press the top and the metal antenna you pull up. I remember that one too. On my newer one I would switch bands to hear other static filled broadcasts. I would listen to it all night.
  20. Yeah feeling old now hearing how young mappy and Yoda are...I’m 49 this year...I was around for the Blizzard of 78 although I grew up in Jersey. Not sure how it was here. Hope there are older weenies on the forum than me lol
  21. Ah the weather radio. Love that sound when there was an alert. Mine was yellow with a stubby antenna. Got it at Radio Shack. I should ask for another one this Xmas.
  22. Thanks man. If I clicked the right button it looks below 0C...but I am plow housed so who knows.
  23. It’s legendary to all of us weenies who were alive then. I was just married and woke up my wife at 530 to tell her the good news. She said it’s just snow. May she Rest In Peace.
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