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Everything posted by BristowWx

  1. Roger. And who knows what happens day 15 anyway. We can roll with this for now.
  2. Well that’s good news. See it’s gonna be fine. Until about 230 am when the EPS says pump your breaks there fellas
  3. Good points. Neither of us have a chance if the LR EPS come to fruition at day 15. We will just have colder rain. At least we can laugh about it.
  4. That seems to be less of a factor in recent times. It’s bad for us but the SE crew really can’t even get to climo as meager as it is. Could always be worse I guess. I would be happy where you are. At least you have some wiggle room. We have none.
  5. Maine is the place to move. They are able to snow in almost any pattern.
  6. Well maybe day 15 is just a flawed output. Let’s hope.
  7. Imagine the local ski resorts are struggling to keep a good base. Lack of snow hurts many.
  8. yes that is chuckle worthy for sure. its nearly impossible to even get fantasy blue precip over the region. but not a bad look overall...for an op run of course. there is cold sloshing around up top so there is something
  9. combo of a 956 50/50 and what looks like a solid 1040 high in the PAC just squeezes opens the ice flow...fun to look at
  10. interesting look on GFS 234hr...kissing 1045 and 1050 highs in W. Conus and W. Canada sliding SE...been a wide selection of op run fantasy looks...add this to the pile I suppose.
  11. And despite its ridiculous look it still manages to miss us denying even a weenie dream.
  12. Yeah but at least it’s at the ready if mobilized. Of course it could stay put all season. If we are knocking on Feb door with no change and no measurable snow then it would be discouraging.
  13. Also loving that 462dM cold vortex Over East central Canada. That kind of deep cold is fascinating to me
  14. Not great so if anything this is good news as the opposite might occur. Something like that. Hohoho
  15. I went outside and made a snow angel in the frost. Merry Christmas to the best sub forum ever known in the history of sub forums. Blessed day!
  16. Yeah. Perhaps but if the GEFS is correct it will take Nearly the first half of Jan to get things looking favorable as Cape said above. It is what it is. Merry Christmas my friend!
  17. One thing the GFS deliver on the op run is cold late in the run. Check out these 850 departures. Nippy
  18. All I see is coal and fruitcake. What day are you keying on? Merry Christmas to you!
  19. I’m convinced nearly all of our snow is accidental. So this fits the MA winter
  20. Interesting. Some serious cold up north way out. Just need a vehicle to deliver it.
  21. Not seeing it. Maybe I am not looking hard enough.
  22. that's good news. always seems like we are tracking some warning level event on Christmas and it takes away from me spending time with my in-laws. This year I am all ears as they lament about doctors appointments and how my kids need less gifts and more discipline. thanks a pant load mother nature.
  23. yeah here too. same today. had to work for a bit so had the luxury of heading out at 7. the overnight LR runs are frightful, but the traffic was so delightful
  24. Same to you. I hope you get enough frost to make it appear like a white Christmas...that is my wish
  25. This is the most interesting Xmas Day AFD I have seen since 1989..... "A lot of uncertaint has appeared in latest guidance regarding later tonight through Christmas Day. While some models have only limited low level moisture, other guidance like the latest few NAM runs suggest low level flow off the ocean will bring widespread low clouds into the region. The NAM even suggests there could be some patchy drizzle or freezing drizzle. Confidence on this is not yet high, but we will need to watch this potential closely given the potential large ramifications on the forecast. Without the low clouds, highs should rebound well into the 40s on Christmas Day after lows in the 20s. However, should the low clouds envelop the area, it is likely temps would get stuck in the 30s on Christmas, resulting in a considerably different flavor to the day. Again, confidence on this is not high, but will need to watch trends closely through today."
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