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Everything posted by BristowWx

  1. And also the fact that we are punting until 12-15 days down the road should allow you to focus on work. And if history is our guide 12-15 days down the road will yield nothing more than another 12-15 days down the road. You should be flush with cash after this winter.
  2. There is no miracle play that I can see with this one. It’s a Midwest storm that may throw some flakes our way. It would take a major change to change our fate.
  3. Hopefully whatever this is MLK is an appetizer for the main course as met winter is half over. Something needs to crank.
  4. It’s ok. I can always take better than first glance vice it looks good but actually blows chunks
  5. Why the disappointment? You do realize that if it looks great for us it will still likely look bad for you.
  6. I don’t like the sound of that. For this event on Saturday or all of it?
  7. Cutters are just too precarious. Let’s hope the next threat comes in from the SW and goes under us.
  8. I bet that might help keep the CAD locked in longer than straight cutter. Colder rain for some but it’s something interesting
  9. Well Bob said heh a couple times. That’s code for flip to a wintry pattern.
  10. Really? I always thought that’s what we say when things look bad with a particular model run.
  11. He’s panicking. Assumes the rest of us are too. And he appears to be a cartoon from another era.
  12. I know it’s just that feature irritates me. We are looking good.
  13. That deep blue off SFO is f-Ing things up. That feature is always popping up. It’s the new GLL
  14. Not even an honorable mention in LWX discussion yet for next weekend. Long way to go.
  15. That really was fun. Most things presented as fun are not. That weekend is really starting to look intriguing.
  16. the overall theme seems to be change for the better. I think we have a good basis for optimism.
  17. The best if you must have mixed precip is ice to snow. It’s usually the other way with a departing high. Snow to ice then ending is not bad either. Anything that doesn’t involve rain really.
  18. Hr 288-300 is weather porn. The good kind. Op run sure but that would be just so darn fun..pardon the language
  19. That seems harder and harder to come by. Cold start all snow cold finish that we track for more than couple days. It’s so hard to get all those ingredients in the bowl with any consistency. Last time was Jan 16 maybe. Seems nearly impossible.
  20. Great pics. Seems like almost everyone in the sub saw some flakes today. Can’t ask for more than that. It was a fun day on the board.
  21. Ha Now it’s winter. Never expected to shovel today. Best part winter is just starting. Rest up next 10 days. We will be back in the mode soon enough.
  22. I’m like a lion that ate a gazelle after this full day of snow and 3 inches. I can wait for sure.
  23. This was pretty awesome. W PWC cashed in
  24. I’m loving it. All SN since noon. 2 inches. Fatties starting again. Peace however. Meant no disrespect. Enjoy how you enjoy.
  25. I’m in. Blue label cracked. Wife is asleep. I have the remote.
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