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Everything posted by BristowWx

  1. You do well on that map. Dr No is just f-ing with is...he is bored with this pattern too. He laughing right now calling me a dick turd for getting sucked in. Oh how he mocks me
  2. Did you put that 6 over my house to make me happy? Cheers to you my friend.
  3. Don’t think anyone will jump on this grenade just yet. Long time to go but makes a tasty snack for weenie hunger
  4. Even close in west of 95. 5 inches hellz yeah. Let’s drink to this while we can.
  5. Looks improved. It’s the lack of cold that is the long pole in the tent...the tent with a hole in it and the bear outside.
  6. Well the date is magical. Mythical even. Who knows. Ratcheted down expectations to waiting for November.
  7. The whole forum jumps at once? Man the reaper would be fat like a lion who ate an elephant. He would have to jump out of boredom.
  8. Of course none of us know what will really happen when we count our chips in April. We could get a monster storm on Feb 29th. Especially now that we are all but giving up on 18 Jan. For good reason of course but the models and the atmosphere is fickle.
  9. Which one is best? I mean in your opinion...bottom right maybe
  10. I assume the devil is in the details as to where the transfer happens. Obviously TN valley is preferred.
  11. Nah. Northern MD perhaps. South wind is howling destroying the CAD
  12. Same here. Bigger flakes more steady now. 29. Second snow in a bad pattern. Could be worse.
  13. You won’t be playing with your toy today...keep it tucked away and juiced up
  14. My family sent me pics from Michigan. Impressive by our standards. For them it’s a random winter day. This could have been a good hit for us but I will take what I got.
  15. Ours is done. Not an inch. Must have juiced up as it departed my yard for yours. Congrats!
  16. Well it’s snowing here. Glad I woke up or would have missed it. 26. Insta-stickage
  17. Good one. I’m hitting the sauce tonight too. I’m seeing a 980 off ORF and girls reading Kocin’s book on snowstorms to me. 21/16
  18. 21/15...damn shame to waste this cold air. My guess is precip will be hard to find at my location.
  19. Right. If we are in a nickel and dine situation .25 is a whole quarter. And that’s worth 2 dimes and a nickel.
  20. Thinking only HIM can help. I’m not a religious man but desperate times...
  21. ORH can snow when an eskimo farts in the right direction. Doesn’t surprise me he sees some light in this tunnel.
  22. Guess if it’s not going to snow then might as well be warm. Hate saying that but starting to change my preference.
  23. Hate to see what happens to the lone can of Fresca when the door closes. I see a prison pounding in its future.
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