I don't think you are wrong its just pre-Christmas snow is too magical and mythical for most of us to even hope for. Rain and 55 sure...snow? nah. I'm in!
If that turns out to be the 2m departure from average map Ji will post it with “Merry Christmas one and all” caption..and I will promptly shit my own blinds
Been a long time since we have seen anything other than transient cold shots. If they still had the channel 4 Bob Ryan golden snow shovel award I’d bet on December.
I would think if you cut off the cross polar flow and rely on regular Canada cold source and without a decent snow pack to the north even a good pattern could yield marginal cold which we don’t do well with. Have heard many times here it’s a great pattern just not cold enough. That’s more painful than straight up warmth.
We can hope for the two wave solution with the first becoming a transient 50/50 and the second one digs further south. Tall order for sure. That’s punching above our latitude.
Yes. Also, hoping northern NE S Canada and everywhere north of us gets solid snow cover. That can only help us later. Encouraging to see the cold pouring in…had my doubts earlier in the month that it would never get cold again. But here we are
maybe...glass half full...this is good...mild dry through mid month and then switch it up toward turkey day...so we can wear sweaters. even in the worst patterns we get cold periods. cold rain is a win in these lean times.
hopefully its doesnt become part of the furniture for winter. It always seems to be there even in favorable patterns. I remember last winter it was there just enough to almost never let the 540 line move south of PA.