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About weatherheels

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Kernersville, NC
  • Interests
    Severe storms, any winter weather. Most sports(love the HEELS!).

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  1. Okay, found the showers finally. Didn’t realize I just had to complain about it and it would happen.
  2. Thru the damn roof. Can’t buy a shower over this way.
  3. Feels like it’s been years since we’ve had flakes. Nice surprise here to end out January. Update: some of the biggest flakes I’ve seen in my life and that’s no joke. Crazy.
  4. Can I just get a foot, please. Every year I ask Santa for the same thing, just a foot of snow. Dude has never come through before. Maybe this is the one? I smell a 6" snow topped off with some sleet and ZR. Hope I'm wrong, which is usually the case.
  5. Incredible storm for N Florida and S Georgia and parts of the country that rarely see this type of weather. Can only hope it dumps it like no tomorrow for the kids and weenies living in those areas.
  6. The one and only thing that is giving me hope with this set up is knowing that Frosty lives to my west. That has to give me some sort of chance of seeing snow in this setup
  7. Man, that cutoff in Forsyth County is eerily similar to the Carolina Crusher. If I recall correctly, we got around 6" in Kernersville, and people in Clemmons got a an inch, and then people in Yadkin just saw some token flakes, making that map above pretty close, just need to shift west about 25 more miles and it'd be almost spot on. Add in central east parts of SC catches a beating with this one, and it'd be one for the record books.
  8. I'm not going to lie, I'm expecting at least 6" now. A couple days ago I would've been delighted if you told me I would get 2-4"... now I can already tell I'm going to be disappointed if this thing doesn't turn into a top 10 storm for my lifetime. I've also never seen a foot snowfall here in Kernersville... I've seen Winston, Greensboro, 20 miles N and 20 miles S all get foot snowfalls.... .I don't think this is going to be the one, but the fact that I've let the thought slip into my mind means this should be a good storm.
  9. No doubt about it... 90% of the time that's just the way it goes. It'd be damn nice for once, to just see a storm steam roll the deep south with cold in place, no mixing issues... BUT, it is what it is. Those guys up North always win out one way or the other... I hope this thing slides right off the coast and leaves them high and dry, but I doubt it.
  10. The first model to show DC getting a foot wins.... Them just the rules of the game folk. 18Z GFS gonna make it happen!
  11. Damn, DC will find a way to get a foot out of this storm. I know that for a fact, and I take solace in that. End up being a rain/snow mix for most of everyone east or south of i85, and a little snow north and west of there, and then nova and DC get crushed. Book it. Reverse psychology here folks... It doesn't usually work, but when it does, I feel good about it.
  12. I'm actually starting to think that we might be too far north this time. Looks like there is pretty good consensus among the major models that this thing might not lift up in time to give us anything substantial. The Euro has me hanging on though.. We just need this thing to get a little more amp'd up and that trough to sharpen up and we'll be golden.
  13. I will take my chances every day and twice on Sunday with the set up the GFS has... feel like I'm in the catbird seat up here in the Triad.
  14. I would feel on top of the world if I lived in NOVA right now. Perfect position to be in at this point. I think we've all seen how this one plays out too many times before.
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