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Everything posted by erbsonci

  1. https://baynews9.com/fl/tampa/weather/bay-news-9-cameras Lots of Greater Tampa Bay and Central Florida webcams at this link. They're giving like snapshot feeds, I think. Madeira Beach in Pinellas, the water is up to the dune line, covering what is normally beach.
  2. Yes, but (and this is not to argue, only learn)...compare a late-August storm before daytime highs, humidity, and general Gulf temps have broken to a late-Sept which was not as well-formed. Wouldn't those be the major differences in how this ended up?
  3. If you don't mind me asking, do you do something related to storms? Like, why are you in Perry?
  4. Yes, I don't think most people realize how north of Pinellas all the way to Tally is basically very low areas at sea level. Not every single track of land but 99.9% on the water-side of US 19. There's a reason it's never built up. You'd be amazed at how far and high the water comes in. Stay safe if you're still in FL, @DDweatherman.
  5. At least in North County Pinellas, US 19 is the highest ground, although there are areas around it which are more low closer to the water. Treasure Island and Venice (beach areas further south in Pinellas and past Sarasota, respectively) are completely flooded out.
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