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Everything posted by IrishRob17

  1. Agreed, the very dry Sept and Oct appear to have just been a blip in the wet pattern. Nov was a little over 1" above average IMBY and Dec to date is .63" above average.
  2. I dont think anyone, including Anthony, is looking for or considering a major storm here, just looking for some mood snow to add to a festive time of the year for many. I know many out there want a blizzard or nothing, that’s fine, but I also know that some of us enjoy any snow that we can get, this time of year especially.
  3. Good morning Walt and thank you for the detailed post. What a treat it’ll be for most of us if this pans out.
  4. For those interested in what may happen this weekend, Walt started a thread:
  5. .61" total here between the snow, rain, drizzle.
  6. It sure has. I'd imagine most of, if not all, of the higher elevations up here are easily into double digit season totals.
  7. Agreed on the decent start to winter. Gave my grandson new snow pants, jacket, and boots yesterday as an early gift, it's coming in handy today at least.
  8. 3.7” to perfect snowball snow, bringing my season to 8.9”, 31/30.
  9. Same here again, only 13 this morning.
  10. Well this is a shocking development. Up to 27 degrees here in full sun.
  11. Well this is a shocking development. Looks like 12 will do it for the low here, a bit warmer than forecast.
  12. My first below freezing December day here today since Christmas Eve 2022. That’s exciting.
  13. I had a drone fly over my house last night…my lights all flickered and then dimmed out altogether, then my microwave turned itself on followed by my fridge door opening all by itself. I can’t back any of that up except apparently the drones were in my neck of the woods last night.
  14. Did you fill Santa in on this? Agreed, a big ‘IF’ that far out.
  15. When was Christmas Eve moved to 12/22?
  16. mPING appears to be back up and running, I see the reports on RadarScope and was able to just submit a report just now.
  17. My son smoked a pork shoulder and made pulled pork out of it, it was amazing, flavorful and juicy enough that no sauces were required.
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