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Everything posted by IrishRob17

  1. I had such a shit day at work today that I have not had time to look into or think about this storm but this post is spot on. And as for Monday night...GO IRISH!
  2. Have had steady light snow most of the afternoon around here., .2 on the board.
  3. Yep, you got it. On my chart 12/20 and 12/22 are equivalent. Someone smarter than I may make a correction on that but I figure its close enough.
  4. Love see pond hockey each afternoon in the park.
  5. .5 this morning, 14.3 on the season
  6. My son flew out of DFW to Miami on Wednesday. It was killing him to be leaving the storm but he had to do what he had to do LOL. Some PSU fans put the ass in class where he was sitting last night, throwing empty beer cans at him but he had the last laugh. No one owned up to throwing the cans when he turned around so at the end of the game he turned around with one of the cans in his hand and simply said "Got any more?!" Crickets of course after that. HERE COME THE IRISH!
  7. I'm somewhat less tolerant of the cold but much less tolerant of a cold wind. Last Thursday I took down my outdoor decorations before the wind picked up in the afternoon, wanted to get it down before the freeze set in. I was in a t-shirt for much of it even though temps were in the 30s. If I'm doing something, the cold doesn't bother me too much it's when I'm just sitting or stand out there that it can start to get to me. A man fell through the ice the other night in Lumberland. Lets be careful out there.
  8. Don't know if it's my imagination but it seems like this has been one of the overall windier stretches we've had in a while.
  9. Another clean up that the leaf blower took care off.
  10. The bride measured .2 on the board at home.
  11. You posted in this thread on Saturday unless there is another post you are referring to that was taken down.
  12. Sorry, bust day at work. It was steady light snow for a few hours but has stopped as of right now. Untreated roads/sidewalks are slick and there are numerous accidents reported throughout Orange County. I did have time to report that on mPING earlier, keep that resource in mind as it can be useful. Stay safe out there.
  13. Yeah, that's one of them, I was on that one in between NE.Weather and Eastern.
  14. I’ve learned plenty from folks up in NE after the years but the first time I read a Walt discussion it was long before this particular board let along sub regional forums. You think there’s arguing now between what NYC may get versus up here, the arguments then on a unified board were epic at times. Folks doing play by play on models for the whole eastern seaboard LOL. I did not see how much that ski area got but I was impressed with some of the snow totals the BGM NWS posted this morning.
  15. I had no issues yesterday but just tried to submit a ‘None’ report thru the app on my phone and got “Report Submission Failed. Sorry, unable to submit your report”
  16. Inside jokes like AWTHDNVIRJ3RH? Yes, I appreciate @wdragcontributions here as well.
  17. That's a good post, I agree. Many solid posters that I've interacted with for decades and enjoy reading most of the time up in New England. To your snobby point, I do recall many years ago now one poster in particular who was questioning why I was even in that forum posting since it was only for people "from New England". My reply to that though is that technically I am from New England, well northern New England and this poster is someone who moved to southern New England years ago, as I was born in Laconia and lived in the Lakes Region of NH. That poster pokes around the NYC forum on the regular so I guess they got over their segregated thoughts.
  18. Legit snow squall here for these parts, visibility maybe a quarter mile.
  19. Agreed but many never learn that, which is astounding to me. Have some flurries in the air here now.
  20. Thanks Walt. I know I was never buying into anything from this one so if I see some flakes in the air it'll be a win IMO.
  21. Have a patchy dusting in the yard this morning. 32/20 under gray skies.
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