I've had Davis stations for the past 25+ years. I got the Weather Monitor II back in the late 90's. It was a good station but then after a couple tune-ups over the years I got the Vantage Vue. That's a nice little station but on warm low humidity days, in spring especially, I found it ran warm when in the sun. I now have the Vantage Pro 2 with a daytime fan-aspirated radiation shield, which took care of those fluky warm temps in those conditions mentioned above. I found the tippers to be good on all the stations I've had but I did notice in a heavy downpour that the tipper would appear to run a bit high when compared to the Stratus. I always figured that it was the Davis that was off but then last year I decided to pull the funnel and inner tube out of the Stratus before heavy rains and found that when measured afterwards the two were off by maybe two hundredths, if that. I was surprised by this and surmised that the funnel for the inner tube must be causing some rain to splash out and thus not get measured. Something to keep in mind if you leave the funnel and inner tube in during the warm season and notice some differences.