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Everything posted by IrishRob17

  1. First flakes here too, 15 days later than the average but not even close to the latest I've ever recorded the first snowflakes. 34/26 with light snow.
  2. 21 here. Only .19 for the month, may still be under an inch after this event.
  3. Yeah, I was just looking back at my records over the 5 past Novembers through the 20th and here is my tally of below freezing nights: 2019: 14 2020: 9 2021: 12 2022: 8 2023: 13
  4. High of 65 here today, a nice 36 degree swing from the low.
  5. Thanksgiving 2018 I had a high of 26, so since then is possible but I don't see anything yet to equal or top that.
  6. Some real homegrown cold here this morning, 29 for the low.
  7. I was rather impressed to see that Bear Mountain NY had a gust to 140mph. https://www.weather.gov/jkl/appalachianstorm1950
  8. There's a couple members in here that must work for Oscar Mayer with the amount of weenies they throw out on a daily basis.
  9. 25 for the low, another beautiful heavy frost morning.
  10. Well played Rich, and nice photos, thanks for sharing.
  11. I knew he saw some in CT. I saw some in Albany Halloween week but that doesn't count for the records obviously.
  12. Anyone else beside @crossbowftw3seen legit flakes yet? I have not ,thee might have been a sleet pellet or two but no flakes for me yet. Average first flakes IMBY date is 11/6 and average first measurable is 11/9.
  13. The oak tree above the car is affecting the radiation from the car. It's kind of a blanket if you will
  14. 21 for the low here, KMGJ, which is a good radiation spot, got down to 19.
  15. Just read an article about it and was wondering if our resident expert was back and would post.
  16. After a total of 1.22” made it down to 34 this morning.
  17. And aren't too hungover to tell the tale.
  18. Air Force at Colorado State at 7pm tonight on CBS Sports Network should have some snow
  19. Made it to 79, “cooler” now at 76 as the clouds moved in.
  20. Currently 66/58, sitting on the deck in shorts and a T-shirt, no hoodie required after a high of 77 for the day. Just plain stupid.
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