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Everything posted by IrishRob17

  1. I think we'll see some snow at the start but that storm has cutter written all over it. We'll see what happens though. The 12z GFS got more interesting for this weekend, so we'll see if the other models start getting stronger as well of if it was a fluke GFS run.
  2. Flurries here right now. I'm confident that we'll get some winter this weekend, next Tuesday continues to look concerning for flooding issues.
  3. Agreed on Walt's posts and the other solid posters but I just look at the models myself, most a readily available now for free.
  4. The second system could really do some flooding damage with a couple inches of rain in a relatively short amount of time.
  5. Which side of 95 and 287? If you’re on the wrong side this storm won’t count.
  6. I cant help but wonder if these winter weenies paid attention to weather year round that they would understand the models better, like their biases, which one to use when, etc.
  7. Another thing that will never change, weenies taking their snow maps very seriously
  8. Finally up here, after a low of 32 this morning, below freezing now at 31.
  9. I'm with you on that, the 12z GFS flips the bird to folks wanting snow around here. The Canadian looks a bit different than the GFS. One run with lots to go but clearly nothing should be locked up in either direction six days out.
  10. Happy New Year ladies and gentlemen. Can't speak for all but 2023 had some good times and more crappy times, here's to a better 2024 on many levels for all! 34/32 under mostly cloudy skies...yet again.
  11. Agreed. People are so focused on the lack of snow I think many are missing the flood potential that Walt also mentioned in the thread title. With each storm the Wallkill drops just a bit less than before. It may not seem like a big deal but that combined with the saturated soil that still has plenty of fresh ponds/puddles that last longer and longer...not a good combo. I was kinda surprised at the amount of standing water still out there around town this morning.
  12. Walt started a thread for the threat:
  13. Saw it for about three minutes this morning
  14. Forecasted low of 27 here tonight, last below freezing low was on Christmas Eve.
  15. Violently agree. Whether or not a seasonal forecast was issued it doesn’t change the accuracy in what they do. One could argue again this shows how people overate seasonal forecasts with all due respect to those who take a stab at them.
  16. I’m sure you’ve heard this from me before, my brother stayed up there for 10 or so years after college, was able to experience some fantastic lake effect bands and a ground blizzard under cloudless blue skies. Got to experience 24 below zero at 1:30am leaving a bar up there in January 2004, instant frozen snots.
  17. A small college upstate that recently shutdown, Cazenovia. A pretty good lake effect snow spot, back when we used to get lake effect snow. They competed in the Head of The Charles a few times, I got to go once, pretty awesome experience on what was a text book nice October day.
  18. Just saw a commercial for this movie and then it all clicked in my head, I'll have to watch that. My brother was the captain of his high school and college crew teams. He also became slightly hypothermic as the cox of the woman's boat in college at a race on the Hudson at Marist after they took on water.
  19. He’ll go that far upstate? Has he ever been north of da Bronx?
  20. A few serious wrecks on I84 near Greenville today due to the fog, next to none IMBY thankfully.
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