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Everything posted by IrishRob17

  1. I encourage folks to refer to and report to mPING, especially events like this one. Down to 33.8/32 with light snow and a very slushy coating, elevation 385’ here.
  2. Snow/rain mix, mostly snow at the moment, temp has been steadily dropping this morning, down to 35/33 now
  3. I still have one eye on it but I'm not optimistic at the moment for my yard.
  4. That's probably my favorite scene from that classic. 13 for the low this morning .
  5. .7?! That reminds me of my college GPA...
  6. A solid 8 hours of snowfall today, no complaints from me. 1.4" melted down to .10, nice ratios for these days. Anyone else nerdy enough to have ratios to share?
  7. Its been snowing here non stop since a little before 8am. Not much new to show for it but a nice snowy day as tiny flakes continue to slowly drift down.
  8. Still snowing lightly but it's become rather bright out there, wouldn't be surprised if some sun was poking through now.
  9. Well the NWS numbers are not overly trust worthy IMO for KMGJ because there is not an official observer there but that number is 42.2" while my running seasonal average is 46.8"
  10. I just ran my numbers, I may have missed a very small event for this month, I'll have to check my January 2024 sheet when I get home and I used a half inch estimate for today so far. With all that in mind, I'm at 17.5" for the season right now. Going by the 30 year NWS averages for KMGJ the seasonal average for today is 17.1" and using my own records going back to 2005 my average to date is 17.4" so I'm ever so slightly above normal to date.
  11. Agreed. Steady light snow up this way for close to two hours now, 23/20 on the home station.
  12. FWIW both the Euro and GFS show some more winter next Wednesday for us.
  13. Made it to 11 before clouds must've moved in, KMGJ made it to 7.
  14. Uptons forecasted low is 15 here, I'm ar 13 now and KMGJ is already down to 10. How low can we go...
  15. Didn't get as cold in this neck of the woods, not sure if it was the wind or clouds or what, 13 for the low.
  16. It was close but yeah, I was in Goshen and saw only snow, if there was anything else it was very brief. I did see mPING reports of mixed precip in southern Orange County yesterday afternoon.
  17. It was just a period of light snow, no accumulation
  18. I have a Squall Warning up here but it appears to be wearing on radar but it’s also in that zone where none of the radars are really good at picking things up IMO. I’ll know soon enough.
  19. First flakes of the day up here, just light flurries at the moment, 33/23
  20. I'm sure you saw this as well, a number of mPING reports out in western PA of limited visibility in squalls along with accumulating snow so it'll be interesting to track this morning. I do see though what you are saying about a little less support on the models for around here though.
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