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Everything posted by IrishRob17

  1. Down here not too far from your old stomping grounds in NW NJ, 70.09" from April 2023 to right now.
  2. Thoughts and prayers for your first trip traveling so far north in NY
  3. Its always been that way for whatever reason but it still gives the general idea of how wet the past nine months have been.
  4. Had 6.21" in April here but only 1.02" in May before the faucet got turned on later in June.
  5. I saw at least some of he ski areas up there had traffic jams and ran out of parking, might have been their best weekend of the season.
  6. Not 3” here, just another average, run of the mill, 2.60” March storm, up to 6.41” for the month. So pretty average for these days both for the storm and the month…
  7. All the mPING reports I see down there report plain rain.
  8. Up to 33.5 degrees with 1.12”, ice slowly melting here.
  9. Tough to get good photos but this table is incased in ice. There's a rose bush in the bed there that sprouted new growth this week which is now caked in ice.
  10. I believe it, I’m just a bit south of there. Based on the traffic maps the roads are ok but I’m sure there some sights to be seen if I have the ice at 400’
  11. Good morning! I anticipate the ice to be melted off as the temps slowly rise before the winds get going later.
  12. Up to 32.6 with .56 so far. While the ground and cars are clear all the trees and bushes are encased in ice.
  13. 32.5 degrees and just under a half inch and pouring, a truly lovely morning...not
  14. After getting down to 26, up to 31, been below freezing for close to 12 hours now.
  15. I know barely enough to be dangerous so no, but I have a crop of that again this year too. I think that germinates in the fall, so maybe pre emergent makes sense in the fall too? I need to research it because each spring the hairy bittercress gets worse here. I just know that the crabgrass pre emergent lasts three to four months depending on the weather and there are various types of crabgrass that germinate at different times of the spring and summer. 27 here currently.
  16. If you do apply this early you'll need another application to cover you for the entire growing season. 39 and drizzle here, blah and 20s are a lock up here in he coming days.
  17. Seems like your patience is growing…thin.
  18. Glad to see you back Rich! Check your inbox, I sent you a PM.
  19. After a low of 32, made it to 73 for the high, 71 currently.
  20. Most are too low right out of the gate and then questionable installation locations. Throw in there trees/bushes, other buildings and it’s tough to get decent wind readings from a PWS. I have my anemometer mounted about 10 feet higher up a pole that the station itself but it’s still well below 30’ and while it’s in an open spot in the yard it’s a lower spot overall and there are still plenty of trees around. Had a couple gusts to 29mph here this morning which is right up there with some of the highest I’ve recorded here. KMGJ had a few gusts to 47mph this morning, still into the 30s and 40s now this afternoon.
  21. @rclabits been a while, I hope that you are well.
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