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Everything posted by IrishRob17

  1. I don't know why each year I'm still amazed at the amount of people living model to model run tracking storms that are always 200 or more hours away.
  2. IMBY, snow is in the forecast tonight, I'm looking for at least a couple of feet in spots by morning ;-)
  3. I'm home today so I could watch the temp drop 17 degrees in an hour or so from what I remember (I was cyber shopping with my wife so I could be a bit confused
  4. In the mean time though, Wednesday looks interesting even if it's not snow.
  5. You won't be the only one, we'll need a conductor for the crazy train, what's Ozzy doing these days?
  6. Its a ways off still but from what I'm reading in in the other threads about the 12Z Euro sounds like we could be sitting in the same spot that we were last year with the exception of the last week of Feb
  7. It's been spitting snowflakes off and on here but I wouldn't say it ever made it to flurries over this way.
  8. Close to the same here, .45 and 45 here now too.
  9. My son who is in Mechanistown confirmed the snow. I'm in New Windsor today, nothing here yet and I'd be surprised to get snow here close to the river, 40.7 here at my folks.
  10. LOL, don't we all wish we had that much time on our hands! Yeah, it was quite a nice day as is this morning. I have not had much time lately, do we really have a shot at some frozen stuff on Thanksgiving?
  11. I believe that, a bunch of twigs and small branches down in my yard.
  12. Same here, I was trying to figure out what was going on since the winds weren't supposed to pick up until later today.
  13. Well I'm screwed at work unless the phishing issue gets resolved
  14. 25 and 61 out here. I've cleaned my yard for the last time twice.... After this week I may need to mow a couple spots one last time as I like it real short before the snow really flies. I put in my snow stakes though yesterday....
  15. Great to see you fella's here. Hopefully we'll see some more folks show up in the coming days. I'm concerned about the folks who only went to the board only when there was a storm or just during the winter months.
  16. It's total BS the other board went down so fast. I don't have any other emails, hopefully they will find out via Dabenchmark or by Googling 'what happened to eastern weather' (I believe that will work based on what I saw on Dabenchmark)
  17. If eastern comes back up you can read more about it but from what I gathered Marcus is pulling the plug on the board and won't turn it over to anyone else. It was supposed to get locked down at midnight tonight and be read only for a few weeks and then poof. After a low of 24 here I'm sitting at 60 right now.
  18. Looking forward to see all the folks from the old board over here. I had a high of 55 yesterday, already at 56 today.
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