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Everything posted by IrishRob17

  1. Did @BxEnginefly to Dublin in time for kickoff or will be he chasing snow in Hawaii later in the week?
  2. Don't you worry, very shortly there will be a plethora of winter forecasts that will save our winter. Deep winter.
  3. Same here but 50 for the low. The hoodies still have plenty of rest ahead of them.
  4. 50 here which feels extra refreshing after the weekend in Texas
  5. People pushing hoodie season earlier and earlier each year. Rather ironic.
  6. There are definitely things we like here but the kids aren't sure where they will wind up but since my Sean works for American and this is their headquarters odds are... He equates it to being stuck inside with heat in the winter up north, they say when it's hot like this you just stay in the AC and pool. And in his case when he wants to see snow he just hops on a flight.
  7. I'm in Texas visiting my son and daughter in law. Great times, lots of fun, as is tradition but this heat down here is just plain stupid on so many levels.
  8. Decent thunderstorm yesterday dropped .41" with hail reports out in western Orange County from a different cell that came though a little later in the evening.
  9. It’s not that simple but could start the process to get federal money. SOE’s are often declared so that the government can do whatever is needed to get things back to normal including not following their own laws including procurement policies. An example that comes to mind was in 2013 when Long Island ran low on road salt and NY declared an SOE which allowed trucks delivering road salt to travel on roads that they were normally overweight for. All that said, not sure why NJ declared one tonight. 2.04” here for the day, 4.04” for the month, ready for a glorious weekend.
  10. Off and on drizzle this morning with a storm total of .46. Noticeable change in the air mass from yesterday morning, 63/62 currently.
  11. .12 on the day here, the folks down south can have at the flooding rains thus far.
  12. I'd have to check my numbers but I know with this humidity the lows have been warm. Due to the warm lows it could be a 'sneaky' warm summer, I'm thinking that's the case. It's the lows that are really driving the above normals these days.
  13. Off the top of my head the last true drought was 2002. We have had some dry spells though in the growing season that come to a crashing, rather wet, end sooner rather that later when compared to a true drought.
  14. Yeah, I'm over thunderstorms, the ones with wind anyway. Yeah, I said it. Not much wind here yesterday thankfully but did have a house shaking bolt of lightning strike real close, only .26, not complaining about that.
  15. I'm up to five rounds of thunderstorms this week so far
  16. 1.59" this week so far, so much for the grass going dormant...
  17. You serous Clark? Be sure to turn your headlights off.
  18. Yesterdays 69 was interesting. Wait, wut? Three rounds of storms yesterday dropped a total of .69 along with some more branches, yay, but I digress. That got my July total to 3.67". The 30-year average for KMGJ (two miles or so away) in July is 3.30" so it would obviously be considered above normal. My 20-year average for July is 4.85", so its below normal in that regard. June was below normal when compared to either monthly average.
  19. I'm on the verge of my second below normal month for rainfall, depending of course on what happens the next day and a half.
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