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Everything posted by IrishRob17

  1. Sneaky slick out there IMBY as a freezing rain shower come through earlier, the deck and driveway were rather slick.
  2. The shine of a large undisturbed snow filled field with a coating of ice on top is still impressive to me.
  3. 3.5” snow and sleet, .10 ice final 
  4. Snow and sleet battling it out now but I know who is going to win
  5. Either amount could verify, all a matter of how warm and how quickly the upper levels get. Any way you slice it, it’s a nasty day.
  6. Don’t worry, big winter is just 10 days away
  7. -7 for the low here this morning, currently -2
  8. Road trip to Soda Springs, CA anyone? 4-6' fresh on the way.
  9. -11 wound up being my low this morning. Interesting to note, while I've had plenty of below zero streaks in my 14 seasons here, this is the first time that I had back to back double digit below zero lows, -10 and -11.
  10. It’s a rare occurrence when I can top you.
  11. My 5.7” yesterday melted down to .52” making the ratios 11:1 here.
  12. @Juliancolton and there's today's salt joke LOL
  13. Considering how 'bad' this winter has been, we really can't complain. Of course over the past 10 days or so I've picked up 10" which is whats making the difference along with Nov.
  14. Mornin' Gents. As I was wondering yesterday and @wdrag mentioned this morning in the OBS thread for yesterday, there will be considerable blowing and drifting at least around here. Unlike folks further east and south the snow around here, 5.7" total is powder and fluffy, its gonna blow. Tonight when I get home the snow that fell into the Stratus yesterday will be melted and I'll figured out what my LE was for yesterday. Since we are close to the end of January I looked at my snowfall totals, here is what I found as of this morning: Seasonal snowfall is now: 25.6" Long term average through the end of Jan: 23.5" My running total average IMBY for the 14 seasons through Jan: 22.5" January '19 ranks # 8 out of 14 seasons in my current location
  15. Glad she’s ok. It’s true for me, the older I get the more I hate the risks. 20 years those thoughts rarely crossed my mind.
  16. https://www.spc.noaa.gov/products/md/md0060.html
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