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Everything posted by IrishRob17

  1. .32” here, you can hear the grass growing, I mowed Wednesday and may need to try to get to it again later today.
  2. It takes me about two hours to mow mine, I got 5 miles of walking in before lunch, no complaints there.
  3. In my case, the one spot that gets moss on a regular basis is on a open SW facing slope, go figure.
  4. I like to say "I've read lots of books that have nothing to do with this." LOL You could rake it out now but as you know then you may open that area up to crabgrass. That said, if you don't have crabgrass now, and nor do your neighbors, then my guess would be the risk of crabgrass is much smaller.
  5. Shouldn't seem weird asking for advice, if someone says that they know it all then clearly they don't know what they are talking about. My ph is fine too, I test it, but I battle moss all the time, I'm down along the Wallkill River and have ponds and wetlands near me so I tend to do the dew more than others and have figured that to be the reason. I've used the Moss Out concentrate and hit areas with the pump sprayer and raked it out. Last year I didn't even bother with that, just raked the areas out in early September after the concern of crabgrass had passed. Its a never ending battle for me though and as a result I will always have some moss but that's ok.
  6. That's a reason why I keep my yard tidy, trust me, another photo angle would show that my yard is far from perfect, but I have at least two big parties each summer not to mention the the fairly frequent gathering of people on weekends. So while I have no neighbors that see it I regularly have people that come over and sit out enjoying the yard.
  7. Damn, that’s a lot of work with frustrating results, I can’t blame you for giving up.
  8. It’s not as much as you would think but I’m also not super anal about it.
  9. Thanks but don’t be fooled, I’m not out there killing hour upon hour each week in the summer. The whole thing gets raked in the spring and then one application of fertilizer with crabgrass preventer, then it’s just mowing mostly.
  10. We leave in the morning for the race, this is my view currently, not too shabby.
  11. Thanks, the people watching alone is typically tremendous.
  12. LOL. I can't help but love a sport that allows you to bring in your own beer.
  13. I mowed this morning before coming into work. Sunday looks like a washout down in Dover for NASCAR, looks like I'll be at another Monday race. My 30-pack of Busch Light is currently chilled, when I go to NASCAR I go all in, LOL
  14. Just enough light rain to eff up my hopes of mowing now
  15. Planning on my first cut this afternoon.
  16. No problem. I don’t have a Davis prob either, NYS has a nice network of mesonets and I happen to be right in the middle of 4 different locations so use that for my soil temps and the Cornell map is in sync with those readings.
  17. http://newa.cornell.edu/index.php?page=soil-temperature-map
  18. Most likely. Soil temps tell the story of you know what they are around you but they must still be low if forsythia hasn’t bloomed yet. I put mine down once soil temps are consistently in the low to mid 50s. https://www.lesco.com/blog/post/2018-02-26/pre-emergent-application-timing-tips
  19. Yet another reason why I find all types of weather interesting. My house is around 385' but I have to drive over the hill to get to 416, the access road gets to just over 500'. This morning as I was driving up the hill once I got to about 450' all of the car windows instantly fog up and I couldn't see a thing. I always find that fascinating when it happens. Carry on.
  20. Maybe it was too many words, lost concentration?
  21. Yeah, NYS banned phosphorous in lawn fertilizer a few years ago now so if you buy Lesco in NYS is doesn't include it. Edit: NYS banned it starting in 2012.
  22. Its not the first time that a new poster popped up that seemed to not really be a newbie. Wasn't there a weatherboy or something like that poster last year? I swear that was another situation f someone playing the board.
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