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Everything posted by IrishRob17

  1. Yah, I’d skip the willow too for the reasons stated
  2. I’d argue it’s all the beer drinking...
  3. I may give one a shot this fall, my concern was strength.
  4. So I’m guessing it’s safe to say that if it doesn’t leaf out at all this season it’s a goner? You, or anyone else, have thoughts on the hybrid Autumn Blaze Maple?
  5. Hopefully there will still be some showers around
  6. Thanks for the response. You’re confirming all of what I’ve read . No changes to chemicals or anything, been using and doing the same things since it was planted as a sapling years ago. The buds don’t look but there appears to be some green under the outside layer of bark, I’m hoping that’s a good sign. We shall see.
  7. I have a red maple that is around 8 or 9 years old, appeared very healthy last year and the years before. It has buds but no leaves this year. There were a number of shoots that shot out from the trunk that I removed but still still nothing on any of the branches. I'm hoping its not done altogether as in a couple of years it'll would provide some nice shade to part of the yard. Any thoughts from far away?
  8. Don't you have a golf course to go haunt instead of us?
  9. I was thinking while cutting the lawn the other day how quickly the soil goes from muddy to cracks in it this time of year.
  10. LOL, sounds like the warm season version of slant sticking to me
  11. Speaking of planting trees, I have a young red maple, 8 years old I think, that still hasn't leafed out but there are multiple shoots coming from the trunk so its not dead but either stunned or in distress. I'm not sure whats going on but really hope it leafs out soon, it was rather healthy last year, from what I could tell, with lots of growth.
  12. Nice. I always had a manual rain gauge with the Davis for the reasons mention but it was always one that you can get for a few bucks at department stores. That's better than nothing but I wish I got the Stratus much earlier but I can't go back, better late than never I suppose.
  13. Tis the season, at least with my experience. Seeds/flowers from the trees like to get into my Davis and if it’s not that then it the damn spiders making webs. I have to check the Davis on a regular basis in the warmer months but the good news is that the aggravation got me to get the Stratus a few years ago and I haven't looked back, I get accurate liquid equivalent with frozen precipitation too.
  14. Lots of lightning with yesterday evenings storm and the one overnight. Woke up to a extremely bright flash with huge clap of thunder, my guess is the cell tower on the hill here got hit again. The sides of the house are currently washed clean of pollen. With the way it was pouring I figured I picked up at least an inch...yeah, no. .36 in both the Davis and Stratus.
  15. Was there annual seed mixed in with perennial? I've seen that happen before.
  16. It started after midnight here but I had .07” from Saturday before dawn.
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