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Everything posted by Swiscaster

  1. What is the timing on this? I am supposed to be driving back to Centreville, VA from Mechanicsburg, PA on Wednesday afternoon.
  2. Dumping sleet here in line at the Trump rally.
  3. I shoveled snow all morning, then took the dog on several walks this afternoon/evening while it was ripping pixie dust and fatties. Just got back from a walk through the woods in moderate snow. I think I channeled my inner Jebman today.
  4. This looks like more than a dry slot or a lull…
  5. doesn’t seem irrational. Back edge swinging through western VA now. What is on the ground is prolly what we are going to get. There will be compaction and melting after that so even if we get anything from the ULL later, the most it would do is get us back to where we are now. Pretty frustrating that most people won’t even make the lower end of their predicted range.
  6. Yeah, nothing here yet in Centreville in western Fairfax also. I’m wondering if this is a manifestation of that “claw” signature that has been depicted on some of the models. Snow to the north and snow to the south and subsidence in between :/
  7. Unless you live in Virginia. That’s showing some lower numbers than any model over the past few days in western Fairfax County. It seems like the axis is tilting ESE vice due E.
  8. Do not like that claw eating Centreville westward…
  9. That’s mainly because it looks like the NAM is saying this is a sleet storm for most who have been expecting a snow storm. Could be plausible given indications of a warm layer above even in the global models.
  10. Snowing a little harder, down to 38.3 degrees, but grill and deck table show no signs of caving.
  11. Some flakes finally floating down here in Centreville, western Fairfax County. 40.6 degrees though. That dog won’t hunt.
  12. Is anyone in a non-flyover county reporting snow yet? I see some returns getting close but nothing here so far.
  13. lol that says like 14” for Philly and they are just calling for 1-2” here. This will be interesting….
  14. I’m up in Philly this week and no one here is talking about snow. NWS doesn’t have any advisories for the city or nearby burbs. If any of these models are right, there could be a lot of surprised people.
  15. Insane snowfall rate and flake size has whitened everything except the street here in western Fairfax County, and the edges of the street are even caving. Driveway is white. I can’t remember ever being able to see snow from my window so easily at night before.
  16. Wonder if there is something wrong with my thermometer. I’m 42.8 degrees with rain here in Centreville.
  17. No matter who gets any snow, isn’t it going to rain for hours on end after it?
  18. Getting some decent sleet here in Centreville. Coating my deck furniture. 37.8 degrees.
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