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Everything posted by stormy

  1. .64" total for the month. .02" today..................... Still surviving on that 4.60" June 20 - 25.
  2. For the record, those two comments were not intended to be related to one another in any way. They were 9,999,999 miles apart. Now, with that out of the way, I do have rain with embedded convective elements only 25 miles away on a heading of 70 degrees at 15 mph.
  3. The 18z 12 NAM is already a bust. On to the 3K.
  4. I do this all the time with a 2 , 3 or 4 model blend for my newsletter. I have often wondered about the sometimes wide ranging differential under 48 hours. I understand that interpretation of atmospherics is crucial, but monumental variance is surprising.
  5. The models have lost their minds for the next 36 hours!!!! The 18z NAM gives me 4 inches of rain and the 3z NAM gives me .25"....................... This type of discrepancy is unacceptable in today's world.
  6. "The amount of soot and sulfate particles over the Atlantic Ocean was much higher in the mid 20th century than now; by blocking and scattering sunlight, those particles temporarily cooled the planet enough to counter act greenhouse gas warming. That cooling is also thought to have temporarily suppressed hurricane activity in the Atlantic".
  7. Thanks CAPE! That was an interesting read. Here is another interesting read that partially disputes the assumption in your piece that hurricane frequency and intensity are increased by warming. https://www.sciencenews.org/article/hurricanes-frequency-danger-climate-change-atlantic Also, the possibility exists that cleaner air today may be exacerbating warming compared to the mid 20th century. Did we actually increase global warming by cleaning up the air?? The more we know the more we realize that we have a lot to learn.
  8. SST's are up in the oceans for many reasons. SST's are far below normal in Superior for reasons. "The world is on fire" is somewhat extreme when the majority of the United States was cooler than normal for both May and June.
  9. I have received 5 inches in the last 10 days with the same results.
  10. Wonderful rain for the D.C. folks. I am happy for your air cleansing. But, don't be deceived into believing that .50 - 1.00" of rain will solve your drought problems. I have received 5 inches in the last 10 days and it has not returned expected results.
  11. My area no longer in moderate drought. Not a lot of change around D.C.
  12. Flood Warning through 7:30 for Waynesboro from the NWS. Some locations west and southwest have received 1 - 3 inches in the last 2 hours. I have received .10", I really didn't need anymore.
  13. I received .61" from 2-3 in moderate showers and a few rumbles of thunder. That brings me up to 4.76" since Monday.
  14. The effective date on that map is June 20 at 8 am. The severe drought area probably has not changed significantly but my area is certainly no longer in moderate drought. It will be interesting to see how much improvement has occurred when it updates next Thursday morning.
  15. My total for the week is now 4.05" !!
  16. It is indeed impressive!!! The models 48 hours ago gave my area around 2 inches. This has been an over-performer for my area.............. I am at about 3.50 inches at 6 pm and light rain continues. I hope you get an over- performer early next week.
  17. I have received 3.42 " of rainfall since Monday. .60" today. Much of Augusta County is now over 3 inches since Monday.
  18. Yes, I dropped figuratively. You were sharp to catch that! Cheer up! I do understand that you were being metaphorical with that sentence. I don't need any lessons on linguistics or geography. The only thing I ask for is a heads up from You at least 5 days before my first 6 inch snowfall next winter.
  19. .45" today puts me up to 1.43" since Monday. Some locations in Augusta County now exceed 2 inches. Light rain and a chilly 57 degrees with northeast winds of 8 - 15 mph at 2:40.
  20. Yes, as a matter of fact I looked at both yesterday. "a few small blue spots" makes my case. Perhaps more than a "few". As Mattie says about the drought, "I think we'll be fine".
  21. Dry this morning, but .99" rainfall since Monday. The HRRR, NAM 3 and NAM 12 all bring another round of rain back into the Valley today, possibly .50" - 1.00".
  22. "The whole world is on fire" needs to be quantified to be correct. It needs to be a measurable quantity. To say that the United States has suffered excessive heat for the past week is not true. To say that Texas has suffered excessive heat for the past week is true.
  23. The whole world is on fire figuratively ????? This is a joke in reality! Please don't misunderstand PSU............. I must question your assumptions as they are simply not correct. The eastern U.S. has been cooler than normal for the past 90 days. The Atlantic SST has cooled dramatically in the western section though the eastern Atlantic is anomalously very warm. I am of the opinion that we must be completely honest with assessments of short range climate aberrations........... Otherwise, we are propagators of snake oil........................
  24. Congratulations!!!!! I had 3 drops.................
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