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Everything posted by stormy

  1. 73 degrees with 8 drops of rain.
  2. 78 degrees and cloudy at 3:30. Nice with a southwest breeze of 5-10. Of course the useless NAM prediction of heavy rain has been a total failure. West Virginia Governor Jim Justice declared a Drought State Of Emergency for the entire state of W.Va. https://governor.wv.gov/News/press-releases/2024/Pages/Gov.-Justice-announces-State-of-Emergency-for-all-55-counties-due-to-dangerous-drought-conditions.aspx
  3. The 12z runs for next week are drying up. I believe to break this pattern we need a major tropical contribution. Hopefully, not major damage. Wilmington to Charlottesville with peak winds dropping out from 100 mph to 40 mph would suffice.
  4. I received .95. Wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. The NAM 12 picked up on the activity in my area this afternoon. The high Res. NAM 3 did not!!!!!!!!
  6. .51" rain from 2:30 - 3:00. The most from one event in 50 days!!!!!! .75" on June 5.
  7. Potatoes are easy to grow in Va. I have been doing it for decades. Put seed potatoes in ground about May 1 and dig early August after vines have died down. They need lots of rain or watering when blooming. I have dug a big bushel in the past week and probably have another bushel to go.
  8. .04" from that flood watch!!!!! It's always less than .10"..............................
  9. STERLING and NOAA are a complete Joke................ Their government subsidy is a complete fleecing of America as Brokaw used to say.........
  10. Happy for you................. I have had .40" in the past week and nothing in the past 24 hours.
  11. .40" in the past week here.
  12. I received .25" while Buffalo Gap received 3.14"!! and Churchville 1.76".....
  13. If we're still dry in September it will only get worse without tropical contribution. Historically, September and October are very dry without tropical contribution because the thunderstorm season is over...........................
  14. Its been raining off and on since 8 am here and I have all of .04"
  15. Light rain begins with 70 degrees. The GFS gives me .08" during the next 24 hrs. and the ECMWF gives .26"................ .43" so far for the first 20 days of July. Normal would have been 2.80".
  16. Last year April /May and August thru October were very dry. June and July were wet at my place. This year I have received .43" the first 18 days of July. Last year I received 4.64" the first 18 days of July! During the past week, southern portions of Augusta have received 1.00 - 2.00" of rain. I have received .09". Currently, we are suffering an extreme agricultural drought. Hydrologically, we were worse last fall.
  17. The updated Drought Monitor places the 81 corridor from Staunton to Winchester in Extreme Drought
  18. I have received a pitiful .04" as most of the energy translated south of I-64.
  19. All of the CPC guidance says cooler and wetter from Saturday into August. Are these people worth their positions??????????
  20. If we had received the predicted rainfall from the 6-10 or 8-14 during the past 6 months, we would not be in drought.
  21. Believe it or not, the USGS test well about 15 miles north of Waynesboro at 310 ft. is about the same as July 15 of 2023. The water table has fell about 6 ft. since May 25 but is 15 feet above mid November of 2023.
  22. .07" yesterday. 19% of normal rainfall for the first 13 days of July.
  23. 12z models give my area .05" to 1.00" on Friday with a suicide demarcation.
  24. I have received .27" rain the first 10 days of July. This is the driest first 10 days in more than 45 years!! Number two was July of 1998 when I received .62".
  25. Those were my expressed fears from last weekend. My 3 model blend has collapsed from 1.50" to .37" during the past 24 hours.
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