Nice weather thru Monday.......................... The rest of the week should be wild with a combination of heavy mountain snow showers, lowland showers and windy conditions.
As I posted a few weeks ago. All weak Nina's have produced below normal snow for my area back to 1950 except 1964 - 65 which was .50" above normal with 24.50".
After a very cold low of 21.8 this morning....................... A high of 48.......................................
Close to an inch of rain in the offing thru Friday.
Maybe 2 inches of snow in northern Highland above 3500 ft.
Wow!! What a difference a day makes for qp potential from noon Thursday - 9 am Friday.
My 3 model blend has increased from .26" at 2 pm yesterday to .95" 2 pm today.
ECM 1.24", GEM 1.07", GFS .53"................. I'll take it after .10" in the past 40 days.
Jan 3, 2022- 8 inches of snow and drifting.
Jan 7, 2022 - 3 inches snow.
Jan. 17, 2022 - 8.5 inches snow.
Jan. 28 - 1.3" snow
Feb. 13 - 2.0" snow
March 12 - 3.0" snow
21-22 gave me above normal snowfall !!
How about this, guys?
Widespread??? No real doubt, Saturday thru Monday.............
More than any time during the past 30 days!!!
The question is: Will it be .10" or 1.00"?????
Thanks Bob! I always enjoy reading your take on things.
My memories of lots of snow and lots of cold always take me back to the 60's in the Valley. We frequently had skating ice on ponds and rivers in those days and usually plenty of snow for sleigh-riding down slopes and across frozen ponds with 6 - 8 inches of ice.
But, we have had some good years since the 60's like 77-78 with 55" of snow. 79-80 with 49", 86-87 53", 09 - 10 with 63" and who could forget 95 - 96 with 63 inches of snow. Even 13 - 14 with 41 inches would be nice again.
It will happen again and probably when we least expect it long- range.
You are exactly right!! That can make a huge difference.
I have received 6 - 8 inches of snow when Charlottesville nearly a thousand feet lower received only rain. This has happened several times in memory.
April 7 & 8 of 1971 Afton Mt. 7 miles to my southeast at 1850 ft. received 17 inches of snow. My backyard at 1350 ft. received 8 inches of snow and Charlottesville at 400 ft. received mostly rain.
You are such a partisan fool, it is hilarious. What is the title of this thread?? "Anyone Know Why Jason Left Capital Weather Gang".......................
With the uproar at the madhouse called Wa. Po. during the past week, common sense is compelling evidence. Probably at least 75%. But I am man enough to not insist that I am always right. When I'm wrong I am man enough to apologize.
Common sense serves very well for those who have it. Those who don't have it often make an ass of themselves when confronted with common sense.
Jason and I were good friends 15 years ago when my handle on his sight before Wa. Po. was Augusta Jim. He viewed my departure as a loss when I departed to launch my newsletter. If he told me today that he departed because of Jeff Bezos, I would absolutely tell him that I think he used poor judgement. He would accept my opinion because he is a reasonable man.
He doesn't have to go around trying to prove himself to the world with boisterous nonsense.
Here's the deal:
If Jason has left.
Jeff Besos the owner of Wa.Po. decided to not endorse for president because of Media disaster on endorsements.
The endorsement Nonsense encouraged Bezos to not endorse. I fully endorse his decision.
Jason Samenow who I was a onetime friend with probably left with many others because of Bezo's who was only acting with sanity.
I am disappointed with Jason for this partisan decision.
If I am wrong, I apologize.
Yes, this could happen.
A good example for my area is November - March of 21-22 which averaged -1.0 La Nina.
I received 28.50 inches of snow compared to an average annual 24.00 inches.