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Everything posted by stormy

  1. There have been 7 analog Nina winters back to 1955. Augusta County average total snowfall for these winters has been 9.9 inches. The snowiest was 24.5 in 1964-65. 17.7 inches this winter was number 2 and gives it a B+ in total snowfall for a Nina. Temperature departure made it a cold winter. 45 year average annual is 24 inches. It gets a C- in this department.
  2. 63 years ago today. 24 - 36 inches of snow in the Valley. 42 inches at Big Meadows. 3 inches at D.C.
  3. 1.04" rain and a peak wind of 30 mph today.
  4. .71", rain over with blue sky to the west.
  5. 12.9 at 5:15. The record low since 1893 at Staunton was 6 in 2009. March 3, 2009 I had 1 degree with 5 inches of fresh snow.
  6. 15.1 this morning. This reminds of 1967 when it was 14.
  7. I had a gust to 33 mph at 9:48..... 56 degrees, 32 at Spruce Knob, 22 at Mt Washington, 36 at Mt. Mitchell.
  8. When you have the answer why a large section of our region has been in a drought for the past year or more regarding precipitation and it continues, you will have an answer, regarding WHY.
  9. So much speculation on March snow or no snow. Lets revisit March 1960 at Charlottesville and Harrisonburg. Charlottesville first: March 3 .... 12 " snow, March 10.... 3.5" snow, March 16..... 5.0 " snow, March 17...... 8.5" snow.......... Total 29 inches Harrisonburg: March 3 .... 9" snow, March 10 ...... 6" snow, March 16.... 12" snow, March 17....... 1" snow............ Total 28 inches
  10. 10 degrees this morning! Normal low is 27.
  11. I agree, March usually produces big totals, especially at Spruce Knob.
  12. Another .35" snow this morning, 7 - 9. Roads covered again . 16 degrees
  13. 1.8 inches. This would have likely been 1 inch at 10:1. 18 degrees kicked in 20:1 Kuchera.
  14. It is very rare for the summit of Spruce Knob to have nearly the same temperature as my weather station at 1 pm but today is the exception. 17.2 my place, 16.9 Spruce Knob.
  15. 1.25 inches at 12:20 with 17.4 degrees.
  16. light snow and 16.0. 3/8 inch since 7 am. These temperatures will encourage 20:1 ratios.
  17. Upfront, my 10:1 for tomorrow is 1.8. Kuchera is 3.3". The 18 z NAM stinks with calling for temperatures 10 degrees colder than witnessed. If this was accurate and continues, the 15:1 for tomorrow would not apply. 15:1 is only good for 25 degrees. How is it possible for the 3K and 12K NAM to miss surface temperatures 10 degrees in 6 hours????
  18. The GFS ticked north 17 miles in my area. That might herald good things at 00z.
  19. If the GFS moves north in 90 minutes. OK last minute north jaunts replay. Otherwise, forget it. The Nam nest also likes the 12k jaunt. That's nice.
  20. We have had a weekend of wild speculation, high expectations and sobering disappointment. My post at 4:28 Friday afternoon said: We can't know at this time whether this will be a trace to 1 inch or 10 - 20 inches. Speculation will provide no answers. We should have a better handle by Monday. On Friday afternoon the GFS gave me 2.3 inches and the EURO gave me 13.7 inches. Since then the EURO has sometimes tremendously over hyped some 15 - 20 inch accumulations for what is now for many considered a non event. The EURO gets a D- for this event. The GFS gets a B-. My current 10:1 expectation 1.0" Kuchera is 1.9"
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