12z HWRF finally drops the EWRC-prone structure and shows a much better core structure as it bombs 98L out to the mid-930s on Thursday. It shows the system passing over/near the Virgin Islands/PR as a TS and organizes once it gets north of their latitude.
i love it
12z HWRF finally drops the EWRC-prone structure and shows a much better core structure as it bombs 98L out to the mid-930s on Thursday. It shows the system passing over/near the Virgin Islands/PR as a TS and organizes once it gets north of their latitude.
Tropical Storm FIVEAs of 18:00 UTC Aug 12, 2024:
Location: 16.1°N 56.6°WMaximum Winds: 35 kt Gusts: N/AMinimum Central Pressure: 1008 mbEnvironmental Pressure: N/ARadius of Circulation: N/ARadius of Maximum wind: 40 nm34 kt Wind Radii by Quadrant:
Tropical Storm FIVEAs of 18:00 UTC Aug 12, 2024:
Location: 16.1°N 56.6°WMaximum Winds: 35 kt Gusts: N/AMinimum Central Pressure: 1008 mbEnvironmental Pressure: N/ARadius of Circulation: N/ARadius of Maximum wind: 40 nm34 kt Wind Radii by Quadrant:
Active Systems:
The National Hurricane Center is issuing advisories on Potential
Tropical Cyclone Five, located a few hundred miles east of the
Leeward Islands.
* Formation chance through 48 hours...high...near 100 percent.
* Formation chance through 7 days...high...near 100 percent.
mirin, also
Active Systems:
The National Hurricane Center is issuing advisories on Potential
Tropical Cyclone Five, located a few hundred miles east of the
Leeward Islands.
* Formation chance through 48 hours...high...near 100 percent.
* Formation chance through 7 days...high...near 100 percent.
GFS has Ernesto being born around the 14th or so. At the end of the run (8/28) it's still a hurricane and still doing loop-the-loops in the north Atlantic. Year of the long trackers.
GFS has Ernesto being born around the 14th or so. At the end of the run (8/28) it's still a hurricane and still doing loop-the-loops in the north Atlantic. Year of the long trackers.