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Everything posted by CurlyHeadBarrett

  1. Ernesto loves Brampton girls, didn't know he had a thing for Indian women
  2. Could Ernesto reach Brampton, Ontario?
  3. 12z euro ens released (won’t let me post directly)
  4. Buddy boyo we've got a special thread for it now jfl
  5. The speculation on what will be Ernesto was cagefuel if you've seen the thread
  6. We've got a special thread for Ernie
  7. Legit shitting my pants if this might be a fran/fiona reincarnate as indicated on the NE forum
  8. Lowkey wish this were getting a female name rather than "ernesto"
  9. Can't even post model runs jfl but the 12Z GFS makes a landfall in the Carolinas
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