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Everything posted by CurlyHeadBarrett

  1. October looks like it may simply be a delayed September peak, and ensembles are going nuts right now and the GFS is definitely smelling the favorable MJO coming in.
  2. NAM model (good for large-scale features and 500MB steering)
  3. Satellite loop shows that a low lvl circulation is already going.
  4. Which ones are misses, and the best chance of an active season generally tends to be a 2nd year la nina?
  5. And what about 1st and 3rd year ninas? I can see next year being a mogger season TBH, but what about hyperactive?
  6. next major will be called Humberto at this rate SMH
  7. Which one mogs (is better) for invests and disturbances that haven't formed yet? Operational or ensembles?
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