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Everything posted by tplbge

  1. I approve this message. Still a long way to go, though.
  2. Do a Bobo "Finding Bigfoot" call and see if you get a response or wood knock back.
  3. DCA: +0.7 NYC: +0.5 BOS: -0.6 ORD: +1.6 ATL: +1.4 IAH: +0.3 DEN: -0.4 PHX: -0.3 SEA: -0.7
  4. I hope the local area tv mets got our back like this guy. He was responding to people complaining on social media that they didn't put the Bachelorette back on. His broadcast probably saved a few lives.
  5. BWI: 100 DCA: 100 IAD: 101 RIC: 100 Tiebreaker CHO: 99
  6. Biggest March disaster since 2001. (since I didn't see Ji post it yet) Ok, we new of last minute north trends.
  7. And don't forget about our new big snow month of March afterwards.
  8. Thanks for running this. Looks like we have a possible event for the middle of next week.
  9. 11 was right for me as well. Just missed the deathband to my east.
  10. Heavy snow in central Moco. (I'm officially in Derwood, but am closer to Redland than Derwood)
  11. I was alive for 96 and voted for 96. Come on, we need another tie here. To be the top, you have to be snowing for 3 days. Only 2 storms listed here have that. Plus, we got another 6-12 inches on the Friday after that. The date for the Blizz of 96 was Jan 6-8, btw. #weekendrule
  12. I would vote Snowmageddon Part I second behind 96, mainly because I lost power for 3 days and had to listen to the Superbowl on battery powered radio. I would vote 3rd for January 25, 2000. Any storm that busts high deserves high marks, even if we didn't get 20 inches of snow. I remember hearing about getting pretty much nothing on the 6pm newscasts that night. By 7:30pm, radar hallucinations turned into reality. I remember calling my sister with these words at that point..."Go to the store now".
  13. I'd have to say 96 because we hit got another 8+ the Friday afterwards. Great storm that just wouldn't end. After the smaller 2nd storm, the Laurel Safeway awning collapsed above me because of the weight of the snow. It just sounded like shopping carts crashing together, but I heard a scream. I got nicked, but nobody really got hurt.
  14. Barometer 30.53 in (1033.7 mb) Too high.
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