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  1. supposedly the canadian models are the best for cloud coverage, and i think the HRDPS is the highest resolution canadian model now that we’re within its range. it looks pretty good for northern NY/VT, and you might be able to find some holes in the clouds in western and central NY: https://www.pivotalweather.com/model.php?rh=2024040712&fh=32&dpdt=&mc=&r=us_ne&p=cloudcover&m=hrdps i don’t mind some high clouds, but im trying to avoid mid and low clouds like the plague
  2. Yeah, that’s outdated now. NAM is no longer optimistic about NY. Need that front to slow down.
  3. wow these maps keep screwing with my head with the blue/white colors. the NAM looks somewhat more optimistic: https://www.pivotalweather.com/model.php?m=nam&p=cloudcover&rh=2024040518&fh=75 isnt the NAM superior to the longer range Euro/GFS within this time range?
  4. That looks better than it has all week though...
  5. The NAM is fairly optimistic about NY. https://www.pivotalweather.com/model.php?rh=2024040512&fh=81&dpdt=&mc=&r=us_ne&p=cloudcover&m=nam
  6. New York will be a nailbiter. That map is for 2pm and totality isn’t til nearly 1.5hrs later. Clouds will be further east. I am using 21z for models that offer it.
  7. Yeah, the forecast is somewhat worse than yesterday for Syracuse, Watertown & west, but continues to look good for areas northeast of there. But nothing looks so bad that it would force me to cancel plans at this point, even if the models were 100% accurate. What’s the other eclipse thread?
  8. I agree. First of all, go Eagles. Second of all, we are still too far out for any reliable cloud cover modeling. Third, in the Buffalo/Rochester/Syracuse area at least, the cloud cover is currently projected to be around 50%, which could be high clouds that don’t totally ruin the experience or scattered low cumulus clouds that could dissipate as totality nears.
  9. GFS (which apparently overestimates clouds) seems to think the entire track will have clouds except for northeast NY & VT... https://www.pivotalweather.com/model.php?m=gfs&p=cloudcover&rh=2024040112&fh=177 I doubt that will be the case, and of course it's far too early, but right now a week out the best forecasts among most models are northeast NY & VT.
  10. As we get closer to April 8, is there any way to tell by cloud cover maps where clouds will be high (less threatening) vs low (more threatening)?
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