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Everything posted by Weathernoob335

  1. Real interested if the NAM has a clue on the upper level warmth or if it's huffing exhaust fumes
  2. Although honestly I'd be fine if it trended to just rain too, lol
  3. GFS scoring a coup would be funny for the weenies who got stomped out over the weekend near Boston
  4. My particular area would definitely be included in that
  5. Winters been abusive, and now that we're over it the damn thing wants a second chance
  6. Ahh that makes sense, because gfs and the other ensembles are staying the same or going south, yet the blends going north, so I think you're right
  7. NWS blend on pivotal keeps going with less snow each run, anyone have any ideas what's driving that?
  8. Would more convection help or hurt our snow amounts? Sorry, first winter I've paid any attention to what actually affects the weather, this is loads more engaging than watching the TV forecasts
  9. Not really seeing a scenario where my region doesnt score anymore, damn
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