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Everything posted by Weathernoob335

  1. Watching nam run then going to bed, wonder how much of a glue factory we get this time
  2. TBF ones mood changes when it's marginal snowfall, who wants a sloppy inch when they could have had 6, at some point I'm sure most just say "take it and leave, I don't want it anymore"
  3. Thats fair, hope upcoming gfs doesn't also trend this way or then it's panic time (Betting gfs holds steadfast, it seems stupid confident this storm)
  4. Explains how snow totals went down some but down almost everywhere, not just the southern areas Excuse me I'm still learning that there's more to winter forecasting than just clown maps, seriously though this stuffs complex
  5. 18z euro is about the same, maybe a tad north for my area in particular
  6. You guys deserve it, I dislike dealing with the general public so teaching or retail is not viable for my sanity, kudos to those who do
  7. Nice long run, I've heard the kids there are pretty out of hand at times, huge respect to all the teachers there (and really in every school)
  8. Only one in our particular area that could do better than me in this chat is @ineedsnow I swear that particular area always pounds snow
  9. Many many, but can't because I have a drug test to pass and the funny leaf is a big nono
  10. The school? Can't picture many other jobs in the small town lol, I don't live there just work there Edit: odds are my coworkers know her lol
  11. I'm bummed, I started the job last spring and still have yet to see a dragon
  12. Ah if you asked and I didn't say I'm sorry, Royalston
  13. Likewise, bit less so but a few ticks N and we are screwed aswell Edit: atleast in my particular region of N ORH
  14. Eh difference of opinion there, I'd rather prepare for their worst case scenario than their best case, personally
  15. Could also be a storm that drops a half foot on us, the margins are slim I'll give em that
  16. Which if I recall is less than the expected total that was posted this morning, think that was 3 something, wonder why they trended down when everyone else is trending up
  17. Yeah BOX has been very conservative with amounts, and I don't see their expected snowfall lining up, 1.6 for my area? Wonder if they know something we don't because that doesn't make sense to me, even with the risk of it trending north last minute
  18. Nam shifting back north some doesn't instill great confidence, it's going to be stupid close between us getting accumulation and not
  19. Wouldn't be surprised either way, they're holding off due to the uncertainty around the models
  20. Yeah, guess unfortunately we'll just have to wait and see
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